he, 17 and she, 17


The guy who is so lost without you.



By My Side


Precious days

> i saw sharon
> BBQ party for RX.. haha.. feeling happy.. hehe..
> Miss you lots..
> Tp rocks? =)
> dream=opp of life? should i?
> song dedication....
> haiz.. fragile friendship.. 100% disappointment an...
> friend or jus another freak?
> being stabbed or stabbing ppl?
> knn ccb fuck!!!

Lost Memories

> March 2006
> April 2006
> May 2006
> June 2006
> July 2006
> August 2006
> September 2006
> October 2006
> November 2006
> December 2006
> January 2007
> February 2007
> March 2007
> April 2007
> May 2007
> July 2007
> August 2007
> September 2007
> October 2007
> November 2007
> December 2007

Your Say

don't need tagboard
Will come =/


Thanks To

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Fonts: Dafont*
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Host: Blogger* Photobucket*
Thanks: Blogskins*

if is true, tpco rocks!!
Wednesday, May 03, 2006

haha.. today kinda happy ar.. today released early so go walk around the sch there see the cca with guo mei mei and cao ge.. wah.. i so honoured wor.. walk with superstar.. haha.. den wait for angie lo.. den went to co there together.. den angie sign up for it.. tt person say dey got competition tis dec 06 and got performance in SCH hor.. not school hor.. is Singapore Conference Hall -.-lll wah.. i tot tp co slacker de.. den suddenly got so many things.. really looking forward to tpco in SCH performaning sia.. haha.. so long nv go on stage liao.. later got phobia ar.. lol.. den went tm to eat lo.. same old thing, long john again.. angie should thank mi man.. get to noe 2 superstar.. lol.. den after tt went back hougang to meet daniel and xin xian.. angie going harbour front.. daniel buying bag for her.. gd lo.. new bag.. haha.. anyway i not jealous =p den i nv go lo.. she say she at nite den come find mi see the typed version of her so called project.. i read le aso duno wad is talking abt.. lol.. nvm.. not my problem aso.. help her type finish i am done.. haha.. tml maths test.. hmm.. try to get full marks ba.. gambate!!

-Sign Off @ 2:35 AM :)