he, 17 and she, 17


The guy who is so lost without you.



By My Side


Precious days

> friend or jus another freak?
> being stabbed or stabbing ppl?
> knn ccb fuck!!!
> nth much
> failed!!
> idea? o.O
> hate or love? virtual or reality?
> escape? nah... did not open today.. lol.. haiz..
> lame movie...
> a today completed without her existence.. hehe..

Lost Memories

> March 2006
> April 2006
> May 2006
> June 2006
> July 2006
> August 2006
> September 2006
> October 2006
> November 2006
> December 2006
> January 2007
> February 2007
> March 2007
> April 2007
> May 2007
> July 2007
> August 2007
> September 2007
> October 2007
> November 2007
> December 2007

Your Say

don't need tagboard
Will come =/


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haiz.. fragile friendship.. 100% disappointment and anger
Friday, April 21, 2006

today.. veri disppointed and ANGER!! main lead is her.. actaully today quite fun wa.. but ended up totally upset.. her.. wad kind of friend is her? it was after the last program.. got optional de jane and hop( disco liked party).. her ask mi whether wan to go.. i say no cos headache.. feel like goin home.. met her outside class tt time, saw her with another guy.. tt guy was carrying her bag, playing and beating.. like flirting.. i see liao aso feel veri er xin.. only 3rd day lidat liao.. haiz.. den she ask mi go awhile.. i dun wan.. say i headache.. guess wad her reply mi? orh.. ok.. bye.. WTF.. not even a word of concern.. den walking half way through, her another friend join and her totally forget abt mi.. dey talk and treat mi as transparent wan.. k lo.. i go alone lo.. den met meifeng talk awhile, angie join in and went off without mi.. din even wait.. from tis moment i have 2 types of feeling.. ANGER AND DISAPPOINTMENT.. ANGER cos her pungseh mi.. during day 1 still ask mi dun pungseh her.. muz wait for her after sch, go home together.. in the end the 3rd day her pungseh.. say go with friend eat le den maybe go back a while.. den went off.. i din even have the time to say bye.. DISAPPOINTMENT is when her left.. i now den i realise the friendship between mi and her is so fragile.. i noe her for 1 year plus goin 2 years.. can say veri close.. but now den i realise we arent close at all.. jus a 3 day orientation, the friends her noe can weight more than mi.. i was feeling veri sad when i was in the bus goin home.. tink her totally forget abt mi le ba.. but for this 2 feelings, i cant stop her from doing tt.. i am nobody to her.. wad rights i have to control her? why her muz acc mi? i have nth.. i jus can bottled up this things in my heart and type it out in blog.. wad i tot in the morning really happen.. not only happen, it happen veri fast.. i tot we will drift apart as time goes by.. like year 2 starting lidat.. din imagine year 1 sem 1 alr lidat.. like wad i wrote in previous post, i cant confront her at all.. cos 2 ending.. first, her listens and gets better.. which is kinda impossible.. second wan is our friendship turn sour even faster.. which is highly possible.. wad rights i have to confront her? not as if i m her stead to tell her her neglect mi.. but i am nobody to her.. i jus feel i am being used.. starting of orientation, meet to go sch.. at there duno anyone den she keep lipping to mi say sian.. i aso sian.. but day 2 and day 3, is like i am disappearing.. not tt i wan to bad mouth her.. but after today's incident.. i tink her wun meet mi to go sch when her finds her classmate who is living near her.. before sch starts her say wans mi teach her eng maths.. but i tink dun nd le ba.. her classmate can do it.. i dun tink i am goin to have a place to stand alr.. drifting away from her.. monday same time goin sch.. if her cant find anyone, her will ask mi de.. really feels i am a spare tyre.. haiz.. anyone who noes my blog and have read tis, i urge u not to tell her.. but if u tell, the ending is the first wan, i will be grateful to u.. but the ending is second wan, i will KILL U!!! haiz... write until here, started to rain so heavily.. maybe lao tian aso ke lian mi ba.. hai.. hai.. hai..

-Sign Off @ 9:34 AM :)