he, 17 and she, 17


The guy who is so lost without you.



By My Side


Precious days

> you wished for that.
> back again
> why lidat
> disappointed
> ' though we agreed to try it out once more, why sh...
> he's sick
> he finally manage to quit after 1 sem.. she's jus ...
> alcohol spilled the beans
> last words
> class had been changed back.. perhaps tis shows th...

Lost Memories

> March 2006
> April 2006
> May 2006
> June 2006
> July 2006
> August 2006
> September 2006
> October 2006
> November 2006
> December 2006
> January 2007
> February 2007
> March 2007
> April 2007
> May 2007
> July 2007
> August 2007
> September 2007
> October 2007
> November 2007
> December 2007

Your Say

don't need tagboard
Will come =/


Thanks To

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Thanks: Blogskins*

back again
Monday, November 26, 2007

' looks like everything's back again. separation seems inevitable from the beginning. you chose to give up. it's ur choice, i have nth to say. somehow i din do any explanation when u said that. perhaps the moment i read that, it jus killed me.'

-Sign Off @ 6:52 PM :)

why lidat
Thursday, November 22, 2007

' eh.. can you dun reply msg as and when u like? it makes the person who sent the msg dumb.. when u like, u reply.. dun like den dun reply.. it's not the time tt matters.. it's like no matter how late you reply me, at least you bother to reply me.. but now, you jus reply msges tt you like.. i started to doubt communications between us will become better.. it's been nearly a week and everything seems to be like what it like when we are separated.. i duno wad should i do duh.. or should i jus wait for u to contact me? i getting tired of tis.. sometimes i feel like giving up.. why lidat? '

-Sign Off @ 5:59 AM :)

Monday, November 19, 2007

it seems like she duno he's sick.. maybe it shows tt she doesn't even read his blog.. she only wants to have fun and enjoyable times with friends.. he doesn't expect much.. jus a single msg of concern.. it's not too much uh?

he's feeling much better le, not under her care and concern, but some other ppl.. where have she been when he's not well.. oh well.. god noes..

-Sign Off @ 6:29 PM :)

Sunday, November 18, 2007

' though we agreed to try it out once more, why she keeps giving me a cold shoulder? it makes me feel so unhappy and discourages me to get close to her.. i duno wad to do next.. she felt so far away from me.. does she tinks for me when she reply anything or dun reply? i duno.. it's only the first few days and i'm alr feeling so "cold".. will she even drop by tis blog to see my feelings? or trying is jus on the surface whereas strangers are the real feelings..'

-Sign Off @ 6:32 AM :)

he's sick
Friday, November 16, 2007

he fell sick.. down with fever, cough, sore throat and sore eye.. sure makes him restless.. he jus keep sleeping at home.. 2 days le.. like not much improvement.. still gotta go do project later.. at where? airport.. wth.. gotta travel so far.. well.. no options but to go.. wed gonna present to the class..

how's he goin to present with tt voice? will see how den.. today's sat le.. she told him tt they can start trying on tis day.. but he has fell sick le.. how to go abt trying.. he really hopes tt she will be by his side to take care of him.. currently no voice.. cant talk much too.. tt's all..

-Sign Off @ 7:15 PM :)

Saturday, November 10, 2007

he finally manage to quit after 1 sem.. she's jus like drug to him.. once taken, it's difficult to quit..

so now, he has make a decision to quit or start taking it again.. should he or should he not?

-Sign Off @ 10:41 PM :)

alcohol spilled the beans

he decide to meet her one last time at white ytd.. met.. it seems like he shouldn't have gone to meet dem and not more to say goin to loong house.. it made him realise how much he cares for her.. it made him realise her position in him.. he still feels something for her.. initially was jus thoughts and flashbacks.. after he got home.. he told her what he was tinking.. he said he wanted to try again.. a successful one, not like last time half way give up..

morning when he wakes up, he wish to see her reply.. but at the same time he feared to see her reply.. no matter wad, still have to see.. she din reply.. he knows tt she has seen the msg.. she jus dun wan to reply..

tt msg was a msg shouldn't be sent.. even he still feels for her, it should never be told.. yet, he sent and told her.. maybe is like wad others say, jiu hou tu zhen yan (words become truthful under the effect of alcohol)

-Sign Off @ 7:08 PM :)

last words
Friday, November 09, 2007


'dun be tt nice to me can? dun behave like wad we behaved in the past can? there are times tt i can't hold my feelings back.. sometimes i really got the urge to tell u i still feel for you.. but i noe it only invites more trouble, allowing history to repeat.. our story has been buried deep until my heart for a sem.. it seems like it's a good ending but it didn't end at all.. we left and returned.. wakening feelings tt are asleep.. i'm feeling contradicted.. once again, i saw ur smile, your laughters.. do i still love you? i asked myself.. if i say no i dun, it's a lie.. sometimes i wish tt i can be hard hearted enough to tell you tt we weren't friends anymore, dun look for me anymore.. however, i cant.. i cant bear to let you experienced history once more.. it's really a joke cracked too big on me.. it's too heavy for me..'


-Sign Off @ 8:03 AM :)

Sunday, November 04, 2007

class had been changed back.. perhaps tis shows the relationship between dem is jus meant to be a joke..

-Sign Off @ 5:17 AM :)