he, 17 and she, 17


The guy who is so lost without you.



By My Side


Precious days

> you wished for that.
> back again
> why lidat
> disappointed
> ' though we agreed to try it out once more, why sh...
> he's sick
> he finally manage to quit after 1 sem.. she's jus ...
> alcohol spilled the beans
> last words
> class had been changed back.. perhaps tis shows th...

Lost Memories

> March 2006
> April 2006
> May 2006
> June 2006
> July 2006
> August 2006
> September 2006
> October 2006
> November 2006
> December 2006
> January 2007
> February 2007
> March 2007
> April 2007
> May 2007
> July 2007
> August 2007
> September 2007
> October 2007
> November 2007
> December 2007

Your Say

don't need tagboard
Will come =/


Thanks To

Designer: blueskyx* LG*
Edit: Adobe Photoshop CS2*
Fonts: Dafont*
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Host: Blogger* Photobucket*
Thanks: Blogskins*

Thursday, May 17, 2007

1 week le..

i tot u are my fairytale, my dream girl whenever we were tgt.. but now den i realised tt fairytale only exist in story and dreams are meant for sleeping.. cos we no longer be with each other.. =/

blog song changed..
titled as when there was u and me..

-Sign Off @ 4:25 AM :)

only thing left is..
Monday, May 14, 2007

puzzle tt reminds me of u.. days without you was.. =/

i do missed you cos i still love u as much..

-Sign Off @ 7:41 AM :)

Friday, May 11, 2007

friends are forever, love is temporary VS love is forever, friend will leave u 1 day..

forever friends are hard to find but forever love is even harder.. once forever love's found, u are destined to be happy..

-Sign Off @ 8:30 PM :)

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

it's over.. finished.. everything's ended.. nothing was left behind.. 9th may 2007 0925.. i chose to end.. i feels listless.. i feels empty.. i feels alone.. it seems like the whole world is gone.. i felt tis way before in sec 3.. i hibernate through the lectures and tut like wad i did in 2004.. and u? skipped lectures, tut i duno.. skipped today's law tut.. no mood to listen..

totally no mood to anything.. when i open my inbox, her msg filled my inbox.. no difference for my sent items.. is all her.. went home after appel.. took 72 and it started pouring.. pouring like it nv did before.. i cant even see wad's outside the windows.. i walk in the rain after alighting 72.. raindrops hit hard on me.. i was drenched and the wind ran pass me.. it feels so cold.. so cold.. so cold.. it feels esp cold when i noe she will nv be by my side anymore.. perhaps it's god shedding his tears for us..

from strangers, ended with strangers.. it's balanced.. came to tot of the days without her, i felt weight in my eyes, it feels as if the tears in my eye weighs a thousand pound and it's goin to fall down in no time.. life will nv be complete cos we left each other.. i really do love her and tis time we are really separated....... ='(

dun feel like talking anymore, all i wan is sleep.. sleep 24/7 is the best cos dreams dun hurt like reality does.. hibernating till everything's over when i woke up.. off to sleep.. nite..

-Sign Off @ 10:56 PM :)

mars vs venus

was watching the channel 8 9pm show, mars VS venus, came across these few sentence.. find it quite meaningful..

'every child have a guardian angel.. when the guardian angel saw the child is unhappy, the guardian angel will change into someone and get into ur life to cheer you up'

true? duno..

-Sign Off @ 6:34 AM :)

badminton day!

morning actually intending to skip law lec at 9 de.. haha.. den wendy called.. woke me up at 8am.. din sleep back cos alr cant sleep.. so meet her go lec.. she go acct while i go law.. space planning test still ok.. manage to finish.. lectures are boring.. duno y today lec de notes all forget to bring.. haha.. so slack till the lecturer nag finish..

4pm finally arrived! lesson ended.. but badminton started.. haha.. went over to sport complex play badminton with classmates.. weiting! so pro sia.. haha.. tink u can make it if u din miss the trial last sat.. played for 2 hours.. arm's gonna dislocate soon.. lol.. too exaggerating liao.. should be muscle tear.. kinda pain.. but used to it le.. guess i too long nv play le.. den went home..

oh ya.. den ran into the kpt 7-11 de girl.. haha.. she stare at me and i stare at her awhile.. haha.. den i went to buy drink before goin back joining dem..

to her..
y u always reply so slow if not nv reply me? like an idiot lidat waiting lo.. tell u i going home le.. veri tired.. purpose of telling is jus wan some words of concern from u.. so difficult lidat.. dun even noe tis friday will u be able to make urself free? =/

-Sign Off @ 4:26 AM :)

friend over me.. what u tink?
Monday, May 07, 2007

boring day.. met wendy to sch.. while waiting for her, went mac eat the $2 meal.. haha.. lift too crowded so take the stairs again.. T.T first to eight floor lo.. wendy koh, u have done it again! haha.. tiring though.. was raymond's class.. still not tt bad.. at least he jokes and crap with us.. okok lah.. den fslm=sian.. sleep all the way.. lectures were boring aso.. sleeping and listening to mp3..

during fslm msged her see wan hm tgt, she say not sure but it ended up no.. expected.. chose to eat with classmate over me.. wad u tink i will tink den? dun wanna say.. after sch went over to airport.. sorry.. lied to u all i go send off relative.. i went to 'talk' to planes.. not really talk lah.. but is writing while i see dem take off.. dey flew away with wad i 'told' dem.. dey are the only ones who are willing to listen to me complain tis and listen to how i feel without saying i tink too much..

after tt went home.. =/

-Sign Off @ 3:34 AM :)

boring sat
Saturday, May 05, 2007

woots.. woke up at 730am while i sleep 230am.. 5 hours den go sch le.. tired.. got badminton trial.. meet wendy go sch since she got training aso.. haha.. den in the end both late.. haha.. but den nvm la..

oh ya.. saw tt girl who work at kpt de 7-11.. tink she aso recognise me.. saw her in pe attire with a racket.. think she aso goin trial.. yup.. true enough.. saw her goin in when i end the trial.. haha.. shyt de lo.. go there so early den only play for like 5mins.. after tt go home le.. haha..

den go home use com awhile before goin back to sleep.. sleep till 7 den wake up.. later goin have dinner.. some friend tell me spiderman 3 veri nice.. is a muz to watch.. should i ask her? or maybe can jus forget it? =/

-Sign Off @ 4:16 AM :)

week too is gone 2.. =/
Friday, May 04, 2007

ytd i've done something extremely silly, something i have nv done before in tis 17 years and few monthes.. unfortunately, no appreciation was given.. instead, negetively replied.. upset? moody? sad? angry? unhappy? perhaps.. i duno.. whirl in my mind.. answer to previous post, tis week is pessimistic.. week 2 is gone too.. another 7 days passed.. how abt weekends? nah.. weekend will always be alone..

today i found something after school.. surprisingly real life aso have scroll.. i'm not laming here.. is really true..

the scroll says-
SCROLL FOR WEEKEND TIME- time +24hours, happiness +100%, love +1, success rate 0%

perfect scroll, but nobody will buys cos it nv succeed.. similar question again, next week should i be pessimistic or optimistic? i ans is still duno.. will it be like week 1 and 2? answer will reveals itself next friday.. =/

-Sign Off @ 1:43 AM :)