he, 17 and she, 17


The guy who is so lost without you.



By My Side


Precious days

> you wished for that.
> back again
> why lidat
> disappointed
> ' though we agreed to try it out once more, why sh...
> he's sick
> he finally manage to quit after 1 sem.. she's jus ...
> alcohol spilled the beans
> last words
> class had been changed back.. perhaps tis shows th...

Lost Memories

> March 2006
> April 2006
> May 2006
> June 2006
> July 2006
> August 2006
> September 2006
> October 2006
> November 2006
> December 2006
> January 2007
> February 2007
> March 2007
> April 2007
> May 2007
> July 2007
> August 2007
> September 2007
> October 2007
> November 2007
> December 2007

Your Say

don't need tagboard
Will come =/


Thanks To

Designer: blueskyx* LG*
Edit: Adobe Photoshop CS2*
Fonts: Dafont*
Brushes: x
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Host: Blogger* Photobucket*
Thanks: Blogskins*

final espisode..
Sunday, December 31, 2006

it's finally over.. 9 months of struggling.. i lose to her.. everything's seems so light.. but still weird feeling in my heart.. feels like i m inside a dramatic story.. final espisode ended.

new year new life.. dun brood over last year.. let me seal my love towards her deep inside my heart.. the rest is up to our destiny.. if we are meant together, we will eventually..

anyway happy new year everybody!! 2007.. 7 nice number.. i like.. hope is goin to be a gd year for me as well as her and everybody.. new things new encounters.. grow up! by right should be 18 le.. but too bad muz pass birthday..T.T (those jan ppl dun yaya lol)

k lah.. end off here.. take care nite..

-Sign Off @ 9:03 AM :)

y we cant be normal?
Friday, December 29, 2006

why cant we like normal humans,
who can fall in love with each other,
stay by each other,
happily with each other,
jian jian dan dan ai yi bei zi?

why fate always love to play prank on me?
if we are not destined, STOP MAKE MI TINK OF HER!
mouth say let go but heart nv had let go..
what's our real destiny?
let go or not to let go?

duno.. dunO.. duNO.. dUNO.. DUNO!

-Sign Off @ 5:06 AM :)

darkest period of my life..
y i keep tinking of her?
empty heart..
only filled with her
and face.



where u?
wad will be our ending?
when will be our ending?


-Sign Off @ 2:31 AM :)

off we go..
Thursday, December 28, 2006

everything's over.. u dun wan de is not only the present.. is the love, care, concern and is a total insult. ur 'thank you' is too much to accept.. ur 'sorry' is too much to accept.. RAWR!

heart moaning in pain.. fallen down..

-Sign Off @ 5:05 AM :)

time flies
Tuesday, December 26, 2006

time flies.. everything seems jus happened yesterday.. but it happen monthes ago.. a month without her.. met on christmas eve's night.. nth much.. play cards, chat, drink and eat at rx house downstairs.. not tired.. but instead, feel empty.. duno y aso..

prepare something for her but haven give her.. so long since we last been together.. maybe it will be better.. but kinda wrong.. time should wash everything, fade the feelings.. but it seems work opposite to mi.. her too? duno.. it hurts more everytime miss her.. feeling more strong when miss her.. hate the helpless feeling when missing her.. i hate tt!!

rainy days.. as if the rain is pouring in my heart.. sinking.. y we become lidat? or rather y am i feeling lidat? if there's reincarnation, maybe i owe u in my previous life..

-Sign Off @ 4:20 AM :)

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

3 weeks le.. missed her.. watching vcd at home.. y xiao ling still drop tt tear for tian you when she noe she cant.. if i die in the next moment, will she cry?

body condition depleting.. not as strong as before le.. have to take deep breath when wanted to cough.. difficult to breath whenever trying to sleep.. perhaps my 'old friend' coming back le..

heart condition depleting.. waiting for her.. if time can reverse, i guess my choice will be the same.. tired le.. nite..

'when i was 17, i promise to give u happiness.
i dun wan to wish u happiness when i turned 27.'
she asked mi abt my nick show above.. showed her the video..
will she understand?
nobody noes.. =/

-Sign Off @ 8:08 AM :)

Thursday, December 14, 2006


-Sign Off @ 5:31 AM :)

18 or above den can buy flu med.. wth..

today morning woke up went to buy some flu medicine which i tink is usefull for her.. she sick le.. flu.. went to unity to buy.. tt person ask mi how old.. i was tinking.. how come flu med aso got age limit.. maybe 16 above.. who noes nd to be 18.. -.- anyway fortunate enough ran into poh heng and his friend.. his friend was 18 and above.. den she help mi buy.. tt person tot she my sis.. haha.. nvm lah.. buy le can le.. 10 bucks for 14 tablets.. dots.. so took 4 pills, 3 packets of tissue and a bottle of water.. put outside her house before goin to sch.. hope tt helps..

reach sch outside business sch lt.. the sitting formation is easy to cheat lo.. haha.. but din cheat cos the paper was simply easy.. haha.. waste time reading on bus.. still can recall wadever things i have read.. after tt went home le lo.. raining.. reach home no mood to study esfac.. hack care aso.. jus now flip flip nia.. hope paper goin to be easy if not i will mati..

she msg mi abt she saw the stuffs.. all the thank ar, thank you.. expected.. if not wad else she can say.. nvm lah.. den encourage each other study.. i din study she aso din.. i went to sleep while she was playing audition.. everytime audition, cant u jus miss mi.. sua.. gd at defying each other hor? anyway eat dinner.. watch tv.. she online aso nth to say to each other..

tt's all.. tml go extended passport.. still considering whether goin for steamboat with michelle dey all a not.. lazy is dominating mi...... =/

if i nv go, sry mich.. haha..

-Sign Off @ 4:29 AM :)

2 weeks
Tuesday, December 12, 2006

it has been 2 weeks.. maybe only caught a glimpse of each other back view when inter-changing exam venue.. today went home after rebus.. she was on the previous bus.. i was on the next 72... maybe not fated ba.. dun talk abt tis le..

today starting paper was TBP.. sian half.. so early wake up to face sian paper.. but den still ok.. can do.. but i actually missed out question A6 sia... WTH.. 5 marks which i noe how to do.. sian.. anyway no point crying over spilled milk.. after tt went airport mac study rebus with usual ppl.. had lunch too.. in between de time really too long liao.. haha.. den dey took a lot of pics before goin back to sch.. can see in clar's and mich's blog.. quite nice aso.. den noe tt everybody have their own set of problems.. cheer up guys! den the rebus paper still ok.. can do.. but hor.. the joke of the day is the following:
question B1
briefly describle 3 ways how do u get hold of land in singapore?
Ans: first way is the buy the land from govt
second way u squatted there for 7 years
third way is u inheirant from ur lao pek

super funny isnt it? i really tot tt question is asking how to get land sia.. den from marcus dey all noe tt i am suppose to write estate freehold( fee simple and perpetity) and leasehold.. wth.. total intepret the question wrongly.. die.. at first wan to put de.. but like land and estate totally different things leh.. y cant dey jus ask describle 3 types of estate in singapore.. wth.. a quote from jerry' this problem lies in english language' lol.. maybe tt true cos my eng D7..

anyway over le.. hack care.. mug for intht and esfac lo.. 2 mins to 13 dec.. which is mich birthday.. tml no test cant meet u.. maybe friday after sch ba.. cya..

HAppy 17th birthday to mich!

-Sign Off @ 7:44 AM :)

she got it herself
Monday, December 11, 2006

still rmbing the times selling wadever i can to save money to buy her tt pink T10 cam.. guess wad? she got it for herself le.. is not pink but is silver.. silver sia.. i went out the whole singapore, asking friend help ask, post in forum, post in advertisement-- looking for sony T10 PINK only..

it seems like everything went down the drain.. since she dun really matters the color, like wad for i find until so cham.. futile... sian.. 13th day..

today afternoon, went sch for maths exam.. met weilin on the bus.. chat on the way to sch lo.. nth much.. paper still ok lah.. goin home aso raining.. sian.. tml tpb and rebus.. heavy.. sian.. nvm nvm.. off to study.. bye..

-Sign Off @ 4:12 AM :)

Sunday, December 10, 2006

12 days..
temperature between us falling..
ur warmth u give's fading..
feeling colder and colder every second passed....
brr.. =/

-Sign Off @ 6:52 AM :)

u send on 1050
Friday, December 08, 2006

i guess i won.. but without a smile.. =/

-Sign Off @ 10:00 PM :)

9 dec

sad deathday! =)

-Sign Off @ 8:02 AM :)

food and more food!
Monday, December 04, 2006

sunday 3rd dec..
went out with friend to get present before goin to jason's house.. play cards and com.. slacking.. after tt went for dinner.. the best part's here.. mi yb jj mk yl and jason went to the kopitiam near super bowl.. den order our 'main course'.. after tt followed by a series of dishes.. rojak max is $4, we ordered $5.. the aunt was shock.. somemore all is you tiao.. haha.. den jason and mk order fish burger each.. $2 de fries.. den all share.. with their drinks.. wahahah.. so delicious and super full.. opps.. still got dessert sia.. den we went to &-11 to buy conetto.. 2 for $2.. den jus nice 6 pair.. jason bought extra for mel since she after work joining us.. too bad.. she mei kou fu.. lol.. only got ice cream.. watch 2 show namely the gigolo and the mahjong champ de.. so funny.. watch until like 12 plus den leave.. so tired.. reach home 1plus.. den suddenly tink of wendy.. oh ya.. her birthday le.. den send her a msg before sleeping.. zzz.. tired..

monday 4th dec
whahahaha.. today's wendy's birthday.. went sch with her 'niu niu'.. den cao ge present it to her.. she seems tt she like it very much.. kinda big and nice to hug.. jus nice yonghan and shendia aso give cow.. but smaller in size.. haha.. den she use my hp tot so many pics of herself with the cow.. i stil have to create a folder called' wendy's pic' haha.. anyway is ok mah.. next time den up load in blog.. after tt at night went rx play mahjong.. starting was winnning but in the end lose 10cents.. surprisingly is the beginnner jj who win sia.. so many hua.. i dun even have.. -.- nvm nvm.. den now den reach home.. at rx tt time she send a gd nite msg to me.. weird hor? nvm.. dun care.. nv reply anything.. contents was wad friend wadever and blah blah blah.. i dun jus friends lo.. hai.. u nv understand.. different views.. jus dun care ba.. follow my heart....... =/

Greetings to Wendy!!
hey.. Happy BIrthday! 17th years old le finally.. jus older than me by 5 days.. is ok de.. i noe u like to laugh loudlly hor.. i give u 1 big LOL.. WAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHS.. enough? haha.. k lah.. hope u like the cow.. cya in sch.. take care and all the best for the upcoming termtests..
All the best!

-Sign Off @ 8:26 AM :)

christmas memories..
Friday, December 01, 2006

ytd nite duno y cant sleep.. so chatted on the phone with friend.. talked abt christmas cards received.. kinda nice isnt it? i dug out all my christmas cards.. read all the cards all over again.. festiv mood eh.. haha..

some were from my sis(cassie) from 2003 to 2005.. gd and sad memories between us.. 03 was a bad one.. after tt was all veri nice de.. now with SS.. gd choice.. wish tt u 2 last long =) will u send mi tis year? haha..

den got some were from joyce.. not only christmas card still got new year.. haha.. although now like nv contact so long le but still rmb u.. nevertheless still will meet during srsco alumni de meeting.. cya.. haha.. =)

from chu jun aso.. christmas card.. lol.. woah! still found the bday card when friends of 7 still exist.. during sec 2.. haha.. miss the times.. the bear from 3 girls and the cloth hanger photo friends from the 3 guys.. the neoprints we took.. all seems it jus happen ytd.. anyway, look forward! all the best in wad u all doing =)

from mel too.. only 1 during 2005 de.. cos me only really noe her around tt year.. haha.. found her bf which is gf.. lol.. hope u 2 last long! haha.. now still gd friend.. o levels finish le.. hope u will do well.. jia you! =)

from sharon de.. her card always warms my heart cos it always arrived unexpectedly.. birthday card 04 and05.. christmas card on 05.. the christmas made my tears flow out tt night when i read le.. understand wad u trying to say.. photo alr kept it.. the scent of the paper still there.. but u alr not there le.. haiz.. over le.. wun forget wad each other have given one another eh? haha.. termtest coming le.. all the best! =)

lastly.. shown above.. the last card in my box.. from her.. wad she said last year.. will she said it tis year? duno.. =/

k lah.. go study le.. bye.. =)

-Sign Off @ 9:11 PM :)