he, 17 and she, 17


The guy who is so lost without you.



By My Side


Precious days

> you wished for that.
> back again
> why lidat
> disappointed
> ' though we agreed to try it out once more, why sh...
> he's sick
> he finally manage to quit after 1 sem.. she's jus ...
> alcohol spilled the beans
> last words
> class had been changed back.. perhaps tis shows th...

Lost Memories

> March 2006
> April 2006
> May 2006
> June 2006
> July 2006
> August 2006
> September 2006
> October 2006
> November 2006
> December 2006
> January 2007
> February 2007
> March 2007
> April 2007
> May 2007
> July 2007
> August 2007
> September 2007
> October 2007
> November 2007
> December 2007

Your Say

don't need tagboard
Will come =/


Thanks To

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Fonts: Dafont*
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Host: Blogger* Photobucket*
Thanks: Blogskins*

sweet breakfast
Tuesday, October 31, 2006

today woke up early in the morning.. 6am!! =.= veri early rite? cos of her.. is worth it de.. went to kovan mac bought her breakfast(oleng juice and hashbrown).. den rush all the way to her house there.. kinda suay aso.. see peggy when i crossin the traffic light.. at her hse downstairs.. i went to in the lift goin up but the other side got 1 at 14th floor coming down.. den when i reach her house, saw her mum and edwin.. WAH!!! super paiseh.. called auntie den ask angie still at home mah.. edwin told mi she jus went down..

recalling back.. the 14th floor coming down lift.. opps.. i missed her.. den faster run towards the bus stop.. hope to see her there.. fortunately she haben left.. give her the breakfast.. she was kinda surprised.. den she board the bus.. she sent a msg back ' sia la.. thanks ar! =)'

gd izzit it? haha.. den the paiseh part is like i feel awkward lo.. although her parents have seen mi before but dey duno i jio-ing her mah.. den today morning.. even idiot can see i woke up early jus to buy her breakfast for her out of my own accord, not arranged previously de lo.. den i scare her mum dun like mi.. like those conservative aunties dun like their children go bgr at this age.. den dey oppose us from meet and wadever.. but tink her mum is not tt kind ba..

on top of tt, hope today de incident din have her mum a bad impression.. hmm.. after sch meet yb jj and rx at kovan mac.. ate lunch.. den slack all the way.. den met jason.. eat, talk.. after tt go home.. you yi dian dian xiang ta lo..

-Sign Off @ 5:27 AM :)

Monday, October 30, 2006

from a show
' the more u noe her, u will notice she have a special aura which makes u attracted to her'
i tot u were the one....... sigh.......

-Sign Off @ 3:18 AM :)

schooling.. but missing her..

today morning intht de lec and tut.. sian sian.. listen listen listen.. was looking at her cos she was jus infront of me.. dazing.. lec only listen half.. the other half was gone.. lol.. den the teacher decide on grp members. wtf.. all still ok.. but.. y she give our grp a loud header.. nb.. wadever thing aso wan to say wan to talk.. nv talk will die ar.. so fuking loud.. tink her voice veri nice ar.. cb.. spoil my day nia..

lunch went for mac.. skipped maths.. haha.. den next lec.. she din come.. =( hmm.. actually i aso regret goin.. so lame.. basically is physics.. sian.. den maths tut.. go home.. saw her classmates alr out le.. so like walk faster to get to tampines interchange.. hopping tt will meet her on 72.. unfortunately din see her.. but saw wendy's friend and hilda's sis.. listening to mp3 while the bus go.. hmm.. kinda missing her.. but wad can i do? nvm.. nth i can do.. tml she got jap tut in the morning.. 8 muz reach sch while i 10 reach sch.. maybe buy breakfast for her and leave it outside her house? giving her a suprise?

hmm.. she will like mah? wad do u tink blogger?

-Sign Off @ 2:56 AM :)

happy bday to kyf!!
Sunday, October 29, 2006

today yufang bday.. haha.. initially was goin town de.. but den nv go.. too sian.. only met and celebrated at nite.. din have enough money to buy cake aso.. seems veri weird and easy hor? haha.. simple fare.. used sand and wadever we can find to make 1 "cake" haha.. yb mi jj rx peggy edwin and her.. celebrated her bday together.. den followed by water fight cum hide and seek.. lol.. den got once jj and her hid out of bound.. den everybody got to spray dem.. rx att her from front while mi at back.. she back facing us.. rx splash den mi.. i abit lose control.. a lot poured on her.. kinda guility..

i noe she wun mind cos is a game nia.. but nevertheless.. send her a msg
"hey.. see u quite wet jus now.. have a hot drink and dry urself well when reach home.. dun catch a cold.. take care.. gd nite.."
she reply mi "=) yes sir."

haha.. gd reply? maybe..

sian.. nth to do.. eat sleep use com.. nth esle.. tml got sch le.. was hoping she will ask mi to meet.. but she asked.. nvm.. sometimes meet too much wun do any gd.. den went kovan find yb and jj.. at last found the mag-a-cone supreme strawberry.. so nice lah.. the dumb yb go buy the chco de.. -.- eating.. talking crap.. went to check my bank balance.. wahahaha.. gotten my pay liao.. hehe.. walk around in heartland.. but den ended up rainiing.. =.= den walk around in cold storage before goin to kpt to have dinner since everybody's eating out.. haha.. after awhile go home le.. den chat with yufang on phone.. zzz.. use com a while den go sleep le.. zzz nite nite..

-Sign Off @ 8:10 AM :)

met her today
Friday, October 27, 2006

hmm.. today morning went to meet her for sch.. got talk a bit.. bits and pieces.. once a while.. still ok through out the journey.. was like walking quite slow for mi.. cos leg pain.. nvm.. lidat better? cos can walk with her pace.. haha.. all the way to sch.. believe tt we would be having the same question throughout the journey.. rite ger?
"y he/she nv talk to mi?"
"wad am i goin to say to him/her?"

after sch went home.. slept.. she went sakae with friends and met us at kovan mac around evening.. she was tired.. den she went home.. maybe later would go out.. oh well.. nv go out aso nvm..

actually feel like asking her for midnight movies since today's friday.. but tink she wun go de..
reason1- she tired
reason2- maybe we still feel awkward towards each other
reason3- cant stay out late

missing her.. =/

-Sign Off @ 6:16 AM :)

maybe meet her.. but din..
Thursday, October 26, 2006

konichiwa!!! jap lec today.. until 7pm den can go home.. rx msged me.. den say later goin out.. dey at hg mall.. she was there too.. perhaps.. maybe.. will meet her.. gd? duno.. maybe?

but she din went.. the whole nite was tinking of her.. how come she din come? cos of mi mah? hope not.. den playing relay.. won.. not really happy.. skin of little toe fell off.. can see the fresh somemore.. pain though.. but missing her takes me through the night.. asked rx after playing.. he say she wanted to accompancy her father.. tt'y left.. feel like asking her myself.. is not i din notice her.. not tt she din carry any weight in my heart.. not tt i dun care for her..

but.. but.. i really duno how to express myself.. i dun wan to get both of us hurted again.. i dun wan quarrel between us.. it seems so difficult to achieve unless we seldom meet/commumnicate.. i duno wad to do..

jus loved her.. jus simply her.. y her?
cos she is her..

-Sign Off @ 7:55 AM :)

miss you but jus cant express..
Wednesday, October 25, 2006

xin li qi shi hen xiang ni que biao xian bu chu.. the feeling is jus like the sky before a storm.. xin tong.. so long nv see each other.. tis period of time without u by my side.. really difficult to du guo.. xiang ni.. lookin at ur photo.. jus pure missing from my deep heart.. xin you dian suan.. you dian tong..

nice and meaningful pic.. actually i would really like to meet u tml morning.. but.. but.. will awkward ba.. so tink forget it.. i noe u alr took a veri big step forward.. but forgive mi.. i still cant.. athough u say nxt time go sch together k? but in my heart.. i dun tink will be such a day..
sry for being cold to you.. if you read tis.. maybe you will understand..

but u will nv find it..

zhi yao neng he ni zhai yi qi
shi qu yi cie dou bu ke xi

yin wei wo hai ai ni<3

-Sign Off @ 8:11 AM :)

3 sms communication..

today din go for lec cos over slept.. zzz.. den go for tut for psps den contact time.. after tt was boring.. 3 hours more to go till jap tut.. haha.. quite sian at first.. den the pronouncation part was fun.. haha.. tink can make it!! gambatte!! lol

after tt go home.. started to rain.. the sky before the storm is always so nice.. the wind before the storm is always so gentle.. when i reach home, started to rain.. heng.. haha.. den for some reason, my heart started to tink abt her.. afraid tt she will be caught in the rain..

so msged her.. she replied.. 'yea i know! =) i now with ben dey all wors.. at heartland. wan come?' i replied.. 'no.. jus reach home.. tired.. u enjoy.. tc..' she replied' ohkay. you tc too aite! seeyou tmr! see me in sch muz smile smile. dun look elsewhere hors! =)'

smile smile? wad is smile? it seems ages tt i smiled to her.. maybe she din noe i have alr lose the ability to smile to her..
dun look elsewhere? in fact i was lookin for you every lec.. everything saw ur friend, i was lookin out for u.. i nv looked elsewhere.. maybe it would be better when we dun meet.. but i really do miss you..

because of a perfect friendship, we came together..
because of love, we separated..

-Sign Off @ 4:49 AM :)

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

jus changed my blog song.
title is when you told me you loved me by jessica simpson from the album irresistable..

nice hor? haha..

nite nite^^

-Sign Off @ 9:14 AM :)

boring day

today hari raya.. so dun nd to go sch.. did nth at home... den went out slack with yb and jj.. walking around at hg mall.. after awhile go home liao.. sian.. den at night meet rx and yb at playground.. talk and grab a bite.. nth much aso..

BIG DISCOVERY!! saw feng ni and her stead.. haha.. everytime dun wan to admit.. now caught red handed liao.. wahahaha.. den before goin home kicked a figurine to rx.. den he go throw up the hdb flat.. go up to 4th floor.. zzz hit the steel window aso.. the plek sound.. haha.. den went home.. boring day ended.. goin to sleep soon..

seriously, today really missed her a lot.. but.. but.. really cant bring myself to meet her.. maybe dun meet is better.. will at least miss each other once awhile.. gd? haha.. go sleep le.. zzz..

-Sign Off @ 8:56 AM :)

1st day of sch..
Monday, October 23, 2006

wahahaha.. today first day of sch.. not bad.. htm de teacher was a young and fun one.. but lecture 2 hours leh.. sian.. -.- heng tis week de tut cancelled.. if not will see her for the whole morning 4 hours straight.. lol..

den got 3 hours break.. sian. went to tm each with classmates.. had pasta.. den went back for 2 lec.. maths was a shity wan.. the teacher de english.. cannot make it ar.. dun even understand wad is he trying to say.. wtf.. study myself sua liao lah.. =.= the other lec was like bsom.. not much different.. sian..

Finally!!! ended all le.. but den.. haiz.. nth to do aso.. some of dem stayed back for their CDS-PHSYCO!!! haha.. lec for dem.. mine jap on thurs 6pm to 7pm.. sian.. =.= have to wait 3 hours.. bored.. nvm.. past 1 day count 1 day.. lol..

den went to bishan buy things le den go home for dinner.. was guessing tt she will find yb after sch.. true enough.. yb msg mi.. i din see.. den she msg mi asked same thing and added "meeting ben not? he asking =)" i tot she change heart ar.. ask mi for dinner.. maybe is i too naive liao.. things nv change.. nv.. nv..

zzzz... sleep better.. dun wan to do anything.. dun wan to say anything.. wad's waiting for us in the future? a big question mark.. haiz..

-Sign Off @ 4:16 AM :)

xin tong
Thursday, October 12, 2006

went for work.. but found out tt is wrong day.. should be tml.. zzz.. take a walk from vch to city hall take bus home.. walking through the sheares bridge.. past vch.. past esplande.. listening to mp3.. in a late morning.. not bad wor? tink of our everything... i tried to give up on u to be friends.. u will be more happy.. but out of all the attempts, i failed.. but do u tried to fall in love with mi? haiz..

no mood to do anything.. xin tong.. 584201314

-Sign Off @ 9:32 PM :)

jus complicated.. tired..
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

pon work.. sick of work.. no mood to work.. my mind is always filled with her.. ytd she chatted with mi on msn.. gd start? kind of.. today went out together for movies.. with her yb jj huiyu rx loong.. but loong went sp after tt.. so din watch.. pungseh. =.= tired..

give her the bag and necklaces le.. but din give the letter.. i jus cant live my life without her.. everytime ok le den talk until r/s de thingy den will quarrel.. it hurts so much to quarrel with her.. it really hurts.. i jus wanna forget everything and jus spend my life with her.. i dun wan to care wad status.. i jus wan to be by her.. every moment.. she is jus like an essential in my life.. i dun wanna to be separated from her.. i nd her.. i really nd her!! i REALLY DO!!!

complicated? jus let it be.. i jus wan to love her.. i jus wan to let her happy.. i jus wan to give her enternal happiness.. other than tt i dun wish to do any other things.. my life.. i jus wish to dedicate my whole life to her.. miss her..

why? why? why?

cos i really
REALLY DO LOVE her.... <3

-Sign Off @ 8:33 AM :)

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

so long nv blog le.. rusty.. cos working lah. haha.. quite nice.. noe few nice friend.. but quitting soon.. veri tiring.. working tt time keep thinking of her.. cant concentrate.. still got some yaya ppl.. haiz. no mood to work le.. jus nice 22 oct my last day den next day start sch le..

actually wrote sth for her and gift.. i dun dare to give.. maybe sometimes i can deceive myself i can forget her.. but for long term.. i cant.. i cant forget her.. cant forget the feelings towards her.. maybe jus keep in contact via msn and sms ba.. is enough le.. i really miss her. but useless..

mi jus useless.. being a dark angel maybe better.. evil.. cold-blooded.. i duno.. i duno.. haiz.. tis world seems meaningless to mi.. *stabbed in my heart*


-Sign Off @ 3:40 AM :)