he, 17 and she, 17


The guy who is so lost without you.



By My Side


Precious days

> you wished for that.
> back again
> why lidat
> disappointed
> ' though we agreed to try it out once more, why sh...
> he's sick
> he finally manage to quit after 1 sem.. she's jus ...
> alcohol spilled the beans
> last words
> class had been changed back.. perhaps tis shows th...

Lost Memories

> March 2006
> April 2006
> May 2006
> June 2006
> July 2006
> August 2006
> September 2006
> October 2006
> November 2006
> December 2006
> January 2007
> February 2007
> March 2007
> April 2007
> May 2007
> July 2007
> August 2007
> September 2007
> October 2007
> November 2007
> December 2007

Your Say

don't need tagboard
Will come =/


Thanks To

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Thanks: Blogskins*

Friday, July 07, 2006

89th post.. BLOG ENDED... goin in to a deep deep sleep..... zzzzz.......

-Sign Off @ 9:55 PM :)

sian sian.. i lose liao lo
Thursday, July 06, 2006

go sch in the morning as usual.. meet her.. but den rain so heavily =.= no choice have to bring tt toopid yu san.. nvm lah.. i reach the bus stop liao den saw her walking behind mi.. -.- timing jus rite hor? ya.. right.. on time.. lidat yufang win liao lo.. diaos.. but if the price of making her on time is losing, not a bad choice aso.. den go home after sch.. writing the score for my blog de song for cello.. woah.. done it.. hehe.. next time got chance to play den try it out.. tt all.. nites...

-Sign Off @ 5:58 AM :)

5th of july...
Wednesday, July 05, 2006

today go sch slack lo.. lec aso sian sian.. sleeping all the way.. den after tt no apel but teacher book 1 room.. whole class go inside eat and party.. haha.. den talk talk.. but teach say until split class de thingy den we like sian1/2.. teacher say cos of different elective, we will change class.. tt new class den will be the class for the rest of the sems in tp.. hmm.. kinda dun wan to change leh.. my first choice is htm.. sec is jap.. duno will get either of this a not.. accounting aso not bad.. hope can get.. after sch go collect the toopid jj thingy which someone say will go with mi but after sch aso nv contact.. up to her lah.. go myself den go myself lo.. the things like shyt lah.. useless stuff.. waste my time.. den after tt i went to esplande there de shop.. at first wan to buy things for her de.. but den it feels like she wun appreciate wad i do de lo.. wad for buy for her.. den nv buy.. go library awhile den go home le.. went hg mall meet yb dey all.. haiya.. aso a while nia.. dey studying in mac.. i nth to do so go home..

today aso is the day icysnow melts.. today is aso the day i wan to stop contacting.. need to learn to adapt when each other is not around.. i hope can hen xia xin say lets dun meet.. but jus cant reject when she wanna meet..

i was thinking.. even tml meet le.. i got nth to say to her.. she will nv understand wad i m goin through now.. she will nv pay her 100% attention to mi.. she will nv tot of my feeling when she do something.. wadever..

-Sign Off @ 5:17 AM :)

bored day
Tuesday, July 04, 2006

hmm.. today as usual go sch lo.. do revit.. sian sia.. den after bsom lect den go home liao.. den meet yb dey all.. at first goin sch den after tt no keys.. nvm lah.. den go mac eat, go huiyu house.. mac got 1 thing veri funny happen lo.. huiyu de shoes tio kick to the other table there.. lol.. den she go eh... can come out mah? i wan to take my shoes.. haha.. she nv say excuse mi.. but she say she got.. maybe we nv hear lah.. lol.. like wan to fight lidat.. haha.. den go huiyu house.. at first wan to watch slitter de.. but den yufang have to go home early.. so nv watch.. play poke, piano and yang qin at her house.. hmm.. tt all ba.. jus wake up from sleeping..

thinking back.. today nv really communicate with her.. i feel weird weird de.. feel like saying find u after sch, like last time.. but dun tink she will wan.. so nv ask.. feels empty in my heart, feel like something is missing, not really feel gd... haiz.. wad should i do? moody...........

-Sign Off @ 5:26 AM :)

realised it le....
Monday, July 03, 2006

hmm.. today din go for cads de lec.. too bored liao.. maths aso.. sleeping all the while.. today duno go sch for wad de.. maybe go wad really do work is wrtoral ba.. other lesson all useless.. can sleep wan.. den after tt wait for her den go home..

today boi tink cannot go back to the past with ger le.. is totally different le.. boi is totally tired of thinkin whether ger like wad he is doing and saying mah.. boi really duno wad ger is thinking.. is totally not like the ger that boi noe.. den ger say forget the past look forward create a new dem.. but boi really can put everything behind mah? boi hope ger to be happy, wan her to be happy.. if ger is happy, it doesnt really matters whether boi is happy a not..

alight bus le den i walk home.. feel like falling down.. totally restless.. tired.. stop it here ba..

-Sign Off @ 6:14 AM :)

Sunday, July 02, 2006

jus reach home tonight.. it seems to be like any other previous night.. but today not tt tired.. cos during play, it wasnt natural.. i jus feel it.. it was like staging a show.. not natural.. sometimes i tink how come will not natural.. izzit cos boi and ger? izzit cos of rx and yb? or izzit cos of peggy and yufang? but now it seems to mi like is boi and ger make it unnatural.. boi settle peggy and yufang den rx and yb aso okok le.. the only unsolved prob is boi and ger.. it seems weird aso.. i duno wad ppl are thinking.. everything now seems to be acted out.. kinda fake.. really dun like.. guess wad i doing now? 1 cup of ice infront of mi.. eating while i blog.. trying to make myself numb... numb enough to resist all tis.. haiz.. weird weird ppl in the weird weird world.. o.O

-Sign Off @ 8:21 AM :)

late home...
Saturday, July 01, 2006

hmm... ytd woke up kinda late.. around 1 plus.. den after tt slack, use com around like 7 plus den i go hg mall buy things.. den eat at void deck.. den rx called.. den chat on the phone for like 45 mins den go kpt meet yb and rx.. after tt we lazy walk.. so take bus to yufang house there the playground.. den sit there mi yb and rx all msging.. settle each of us de problem.. msging the same person sometimes.. den found out wad tt person said seems dun match with wad we saw.. lier? maybe.. but in the end aso end up quite gd.. promise wun lie and treat ppl hu leng hu ri.. hope tt person really keep the promise..

den yufang come down.. aso msging.. haha.. nvm.. den we talk talk.. actually nv play lah.. den listen to mp3.. like around 11plus yufang got to go home le.. den we walk to kpt meet jj.. den actually wan to watch soccer wan.. but kpt so crowded.. den went to the plaza there de coffice shop eat.. eat liao there aso no space.. forget it.. den we go rx house play pokecard.. play dati.. the the person can ask any question to the loser.. haha.. den keep asking those 'things'.. england lose sia.. but is lose at penalty.. sad sad lo.. haha... den go toliet, the toliet was locked=.= den dey all go inside tt handicapped de toliet.. diaos.. all go in at the same time.. den went up rx house a while den go home le.. around 4plus den reach home.. tired.. ahah..

-Sign Off @ 9:44 PM :)