he, 17 and she, 17


The guy who is so lost without you.



By My Side


Precious days

> you wished for that.
> back again
> why lidat
> disappointed
> ' though we agreed to try it out once more, why sh...
> he's sick
> he finally manage to quit after 1 sem.. she's jus ...
> alcohol spilled the beans
> last words
> class had been changed back.. perhaps tis shows th...

Lost Memories

> March 2006
> April 2006
> May 2006
> June 2006
> July 2006
> August 2006
> September 2006
> October 2006
> November 2006
> December 2006
> January 2007
> February 2007
> March 2007
> April 2007
> May 2007
> July 2007
> August 2007
> September 2007
> October 2007
> November 2007
> December 2007

Your Say

don't need tagboard
Will come =/


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use ur heart instead of ur eyes....
Friday, June 30, 2006

so long nv blogged.. cos com siao siao.. now still stable le.. so blog lo.. in this world there is a lot things which u can feel with ur heart.. u can see more clearly when u feel with ur heart.. heart is not jus a pump inside ur body.. is not jus something which keeps u alive.. is more than tt.. whenever u see something using ur naked eye, u only see wad is on the surface.. cant really noe wad is whoever feeling or thinking.. but look from a different perspective, close ur eyes and use ur heart to feel it.. it can be more accurate.. can feel wad whoever is thinking and feeling.. maybe on the surface he/she appears to be happy but who noes, maybe he/she is bleeding deep inside..


-Sign Off @ 10:43 PM :)

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

today... cello de strings all broke le.. even have those new strings replaced the old de, it wun be the same.. athough the outside looks the same, but the sound it produce is totally different..

I GIVE UP CELLO cos it is not the cello which produce the same sound as wad i onced played..

-Sign Off @ 5:39 AM :)

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


-Sign Off @ 5:17 AM :)

so long nv blog le.. boiboi and gerger finish le......
Monday, June 26, 2006

today goin to tell a story.. ger ger really missing from boi boi life le..

long time ago.. boi boi met ger ger.. happy together.. while time pass.. boi boi ai shang le ger ger.. boi wei le ger done a lot of things.. he contributed a lot but everytime he dun tell ger ger.. one night ger ger know boi like her.. boi told her wad he done.. ger consider le the ans still is negative.. boi no mood to do anything le.. he gave up his everything including soul.. he wanted to hide him feeling.. but who can see show his fragile side.. his friend think he is strong.. but he is not.. he jus using his lame joke to cover up.. tt night he lock himself in his dark room.. try to drown himself into the music.. but he cant.. duno y he say take it as 'we have nv known each other' to ger.. when his friend ask whether he miss and love ger, he tell dem no.. but deep inside he miss her lot, he love her lot, he always want ger to be by him no matter wad.. morning he went to ger de house to wait for her but it was futile.. from tt day ger ger missing le.. at the same time boi boi dead...... pain pain......

story nice mah? o.O

-Sign Off @ 5:20 AM :)

Saturday, June 24, 2006

hmm... today.... wake up kinda late.. tot is was early.. but den when i wake up i den realise 1 plus liao.. =.= guess is cos ytd i 4 plus den sleep ba.. er.. today did nth.. jus purely tv.. watch vcd whole day.. din get to go out.. play com.. listen to radio and mp3.. simple day.. but at the same time no life.. haha.. tink jus lidat ba.. nth to say le..

-Sign Off @ 9:20 AM :)

last time?
Friday, June 23, 2006

my choice korrect a not? seems wrong.. today whole day busy!! woah.. music-ing atching vcd.. lalalala.. maybe seems no life to others but is interesting.. not disturb from outside and esp from u.. music day.. =) need to choose CDS.. but den the website haven ok yet.. maybe tml den check again.. hope can get wad i wan... nite nite

-Sign Off @ 7:40 AM :)

Thursday, June 22, 2006

ich liebe dich, das ist, warum ich mich interessiere, was Sie zu me.scold mich bereits dann Nehmen es sagten, da nichts happen.don't überhaupt Entlüftungsöffnung haben, die Ihr Zorn auf Sagen des me.i Hasses it.you Sie nicht gegenüberstellt und nicht mit Ihnen sicher Sie erhält spricht, was u um folgendes Mal nicht überhaupt kommen finden mich bat und ich Sie nicht Bumsen finde!

-Sign Off @ 9:16 AM :)

special day too..
Wednesday, June 21, 2006

today is a special day to mi.. 21st of june.. dun wish to talk abt it.. jus rmb can le..

today started off when i woke up at 1pm when i suppose to meet yb rx sam fengni mel and gary at 2.. den after tt change time to 3.. so not tt rush after all.. went to pasir ris park.. cycle.. 1 hour nia.. not tired.. jus sweated.. duno who suggested pasir ris.. the rate kinda exp.. k lah.. forget it.. aso so long nv cycled at pasir ris le.. not a bad experience after all.. after cycle den go arcade awhile.. rx got free mario kart cos tt person go le still got 1 credit.. continue jus need 1 credit mah.. den become free.. yb aso ' take shit'.. 2 credit to start den duno who put le 1 credit.. half free for yb aso.. =.= after tt i go home eat, watch tv le den meet the 'night playing gang' wahahahaha.. today got loong aso.. play same games.. although same but still fun.. haha.. hmm.. tink tt's all ba.. =)

and hor.. ytd 2plus am sms say gd morning... wad the....... somemore i nv on silent.. die lo.. so difficult get to sleep liao den hp goes 'xi shua shua xi shua shua......' so loud.. tot wad thingy.. den come out gd morning =.= u gd!! lol.. next time CAN still send but i will on slient wan =)

-Sign Off @ 8:35 AM :)

slacking day....
Tuesday, June 20, 2006

today nth much.. at home slacking sleeping.. duno lah.. den after tt have dinner at home.. around 8 lidat den meet dem for playing session with the usual ppl.. haha.. jus reach home.. today can consider early liao.. nth much le.. tired and lazy to blog aso.. lol.. k lah.. nite nite..

-Sign Off @ 8:39 AM :)

day of first love? o.O no longer there le..
Monday, June 19, 2006

19th of june.. still rmb tis day.. 2 years ago, someone told mi a story.. tt time, icysnow was created.. it was the veri first relationship.. veri sweet innocent and simple.. no jealousy, no quarrels.. it was jus pure love.. sms-ing everyday.. icy even buy a pre-paid card to sms snow.. snow kept topping up her hi-card.. give in to each other.. dey were still young tt time.. but now icysnow is gone........ icy rmb tis day, do snow? END OF STORY

today morning sleep until quite late den play maple.. no life as usual.. den after tt meet out to play.. haha.. we like every night lidat sia.. but nvm lah.. kinda fun.. during the holidays at least managed to lose some weight.. haha.. den tonight actually got co de.. but nv go.. lalalala.. hack care lah.. their co de attendent yuan ban alr got prob.. so tink is ok lah.. as usual, jus reach home.. rx got papa de car den angie peggy and edwin aso got.. so hao ming.. gd lo.. den walk home.. called her.. ask her abt thingy.. now siting infront of com blogging.. like i working on project at night.. den gerger behind mi see mi work or she make mi a cup of coffee.. tt will be nice.. hee.. think too much.. cos tv showing now.. haha.. k lah.. gd night..

-Sign Off @ 9:00 AM :)

father day!!
Sunday, June 18, 2006

today's father day.. haha.. but din went out with family.. cos dey din go out either.. =.=lll actaully at home aso nth to do.. meifeng ask mi to go pool.. den met yb jj huiyu and meifeng.. so play until like 630 den go home le.. rx still ask at night wan to go out mah.. sian sia.. only mi yb him and jj can.. 4 ppl.. -.- forget it.. den meifeng reminds mi tml got tpco.. eh.. duno wan to go a not.. sian aso.. den slack all the way at home till now.. today 18th of june.. tinking of 2 years ago.. at east coast.. wrote on the sand.. kinda innocent.. hui yi qi wo men xiao shi hou.. =)

-Sign Off @ 7:18 AM :)

skin sensitve...
Saturday, June 17, 2006

today went ps with yb rx and fn.. but she take mi to the shop which alr closed down.. -.- din blame her either.. den go arcade as usual.. watch dem play.. kinda sian aso.. den acc fn wait for chanelle while we watching netball match outside ps.. haha.. got team call themselves NSL(north-south line? o.O) den dey giving out their tee for public if dey can throw the ball in.. we jus watch.. nv go try.. lol.. after tt go home have dinner.. meet rx yb jj huiyu yufang peggy and angie.. for ice and water, catching.. haha.. duno y after playing, skin starts to get itch.. den weird thingy keep popping out.. scary and itchy sia.. like when i was in pri 1 or 2 tt time.. so long nv get liao.. duno y today get.. weird hor.. den go yufang house there de kopitiam wash face.. den see dey all play while i sit at the bench there.. we discover new place to go liao le.. hehe.. yufang house down there is not a bad place also.. haha.. maybe lantern fest can go there play.. haha.. after tt 11 plus 12 den go home le.. recently like everyday so late go home.. tired.. go sleep le.. nite nite..

-Sign Off @ 9:19 AM :)

lame, fun, tired day..
Friday, June 16, 2006

today is a lame fun and tired day.. lame comes from the scary movie 4 yb brought to rx to share with us.. dumb dumb.. us refering mi yb rx jj huiyu peggy and angie.. jj fell down at the carpark there.. cos rainy day.. kinda slippery.. actaully wan to go tpco cello sectional wan.. but den yufang ask we all wan to go play crocodile a not.. den of cos go lah.. cello sectional not impt.. hee.. den after watching slacking in rx house until abt 7 lidat.. den slowly walk to hg mall for dinner in long john.. quite a long time nv eat long john liao.. cos no sch= no long john.. muahahaha.. den wait for yufang to come while jj go find his GAY to play pool and we walk to punggol park.. we starting play ice and water.. haha.. like so long time ago de game liao.. i played tis during pri 4 or 3.. after tt jj come and angie brought her bro come aso.. fun sia.. run run run.. so long nv run until lidat.. but den i fell.. din hurt badly.. jus some bruises on my leg.. rx and yb aso hurt at duno where.. but not serious de.. continued to play.. until abt 1110.. den stop playing.. walked to the toilet to wash leg den go to 7-11 buy drink.. but angie dey all scare later no bus go home so dey went off first.. left yb rx jj huiyu yufang and mi.. have drink at the void deck.. chatting around.. tinking back, secondary sch friends are more like close.. maybe reason maybe dey left near and easy to meet up and contact.. den after awhile of resting at the void deck, the crowd outside 7-11 de playground clear liao.. den go there play listen to songs talking.. fun.. tiring aso.. abt 12 plus den leave.. jus reach home bath le.. refresh after bathing.. hee.. tis moment i missed her.. how i wish she was jus behind mi.. no reason.. jus feel like seeing her.. k lah.. enough of it.. tml goin to find things.. hope can wake up.. dun like today sleep until 1320.. haha.. cos i meet ppl at 1300 cp.. take care.. nite nite..

thoughts for the day.. 1) <3 is got it sweetness and bitterness..
2) meeting up is more than what activities u have planed.. drinking and
chatting is precious enough =)

-Sign Off @ 9:34 AM :)

rotting day..
Thursday, June 15, 2006

nth much.. at home rotting since i wake up.. lalalala.. i siao liao.. hmm.. tml got cello sectional.. kinda look forward to it.. see who is the teacher.. hehe.. tml go lo.. nth le.. bye bye..

-Sign Off @ 6:34 AM :)

movie!! funny..
Wednesday, June 14, 2006

woah.. so tired.. jus reach home.. jus now went for movie at ps with rx yb daniel xx yufang peggy jj and angie.. watched RV.. hmm.. kinda funny.. but at the same time, the part where dey understand how the father feel, is touching.. hee.. so nice.. after tt go ps walk walk.. den go punggol park slack.. play crocodile.. athough a while nia, but fun aso.. saw her so tired.. the whole face sweating.. kinda cute.. lol.. den after tt go home.. today is lame lo.. keep repeating my matchstick lame joke in other ways.. dumb.. too diaos liao.. on the way to punggol park, while we walking through the carpark.. i suddenly feel tt tonight veri peacefull.. i was listening to mp3.. it was as if there is only mi and the music.. no noise from the crows and cars.. veri peacefull.. hoping tt the path i walking nv ends.. i was tinking.. if i could share tt peacefully moment with someone, who would i share with? i have no ans in mind.. in the world jus boi boi and ger ger..

oh ya.. ytd nite dreamt of her again.. dumb.. suay raymond.. ytd nite keep saying dun dream of her ar.. den veri jun.. tmd.. anyway nth much aso.. jus dreamt tt i managed to hold her hands goin out together.. will really come true? i duno.. lets nature take the course or is it jus an excuse?

-Sign Off @ 8:17 AM :)

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

ytd internet connection siao.. so din blog.. den today blog lo.. lol.. ytd go to town.. actually wan to go ssc play pool wan.. but decided to go ps first.. i go buy things while rx go arcade find his friend.. den reach ps liao.. jj de mouth.. so accurate wan.. say scully will see raymond dey all.. woah.. on the escalator there see daniel liao.. -.- 4D toto aso not tt jun.. dumb.. nvm.. den we go separate ways.. rx go up i and jj go 3rd floor.. buy le go 7-11 have some snacks.. den go ssc liao lo.. awhile raymond dey all come find us.. only play awhile pool den go liao.. sian.. den took 7 to bugis.. take 51 home.. at hg mall saw yb.. tt all ba..

today..at home lo.. arrange to meet sharon.. den actaully wan angie go with mi wan.. but in the end she cant make it.. but is ok la.. meet sharon around 455.. when i reach she alr there.. she nv change.. jus like 2 years ago when i first knew her.. chat with her and acc her home.. i cant bear the moment when she go into her condo via the side gate.. she ask abt angie i ask her abt him.. chatting through the journey.. wasnt awkward at all.. guess she aso tot tis way.. when i was goin home.. i was tinking.. again.. her or she.. i chose her all the while.. but today.. i was shaking my stand again.. i cant lidat.. if i chose her, i muz not be finkling.. angie cant win sharon de wen rou and dan chun but sharon cant win angie de ke ai and zi ran.. aiya.. dun tink so much lah.. jus folo my heart.. =)

-Sign Off @ 2:33 AM :)

Sunday, June 11, 2006

if A=B, u give mi A i will give u B.. A+B+C+D not equal to D+C+B+A cos it dun work.. X is not zero.. if i give u X u give mi 0, i will give up X.

-Sign Off @ 3:47 AM :)

nth to say
Saturday, June 10, 2006

nth to say.. run home! sweating.. tired.. panting.. few more hours sharon bday.. wish u a happy bday and maybe all ur wishes come true.. take care and cya..

-Sign Off @ 8:04 AM :)

camp!! high!!
Friday, June 09, 2006

haha.. YAHOO!!! dunno y loong keep saying tis when he come sch.. siao de.. l0l.. so high sia.. den play games.. the frog.. 1 frog jump in water splash.. den change to 1 crow fly over arr.. -.- more and more lame.. in the end got 20++ frog jumping into the water.. so dumb.. lol.. den got bbq.. yb take de food we kop esp the sotong and stingay.. so nice.. after tt go pooling... woah.. a lot of ppl lo.. total 55 bucks split among 10 ppl.. abt 5.5 each person lo.. first time so many ppl playing pool.. new ppl like derek chu jun raymond angie xx zul yi jia and hui yi.. wow.. dey learning how to play.. today like teaching lo.. nice nice.. fun.. den after tt go punggol park slack and talk.. after a while go home liao.. 88 came first.. so loong , mel jj and jia go first.. wait so long for 82 lo.. but mi and raymond nv board.. acc derek and angie wait for 119.. heng still got.. after tt left mi and raymond.. chatting with him until bus come lo.. something happen.. lalala.. raymond say cant tell.. den too bad lo.. l0l.. den tml de ticketing.. haiz.. not enough.. suddenly pop out 10 senior goin.. actually enough liao.. but now short of 5 tickets.. loong say take risk.. cos some junior wun go wan.. den got extra ticket liao.. hope got enough lo.. if not i opt out lo..=) tml see how ba.. nite nite..

-Sign Off @ 9:39 AM :)

first day of holiday? 0.o
Wednesday, June 07, 2006

lalalalal.. today morning gone liao.. did nothing.. wake up 1130+.. watch tv awhile.. den morning gone liao.. no sch today.. can say holiday start le.. veri happy but aso not veri happy.. weird ar? cos no sch veri happy but at home boring damn sian.. hope later got things to do.. later den continue updating.. lalalalal...

second part of today.. haha.. rot at home liao den mapling lo.. den in the end get to noe tis quite chio de gal from bedok south.. den add in msn chatting.. all those leisure thingy.. after tt rushing out to meet dem for pool.. from 3 plus play until 6.. haha.. NYB falling!! NYB is a sub branch of TYCO.. l0l.. cham lo.. he today lost like shyt and skill duno go where.. and veri tyco aso.. smelly ar.. den go walk walk in hougang mall.. leon went to fetch his sis( which is his mum ask him to do so.. not willingly).. den acc jj go home eat.. den my turn.. meet loong mel and sy in hg mall... after tt go hg point meet jer yi jia sam and yb.. talk crap.. after jer and mel left we go sam house down there de void deck continue crapping while yi jia and sam study.. haha.. den after tt go sam house.. transfer song from yi jia i pod.. wah.. so long lo.. i now den jus reach home.. tml wearing sch de tee go back srs for the camp.. meeting 8 tml.. ywan.. tired.. but muz blog.. lol.. if not tml i will forget and lazy to write wan.. tis few day can see her.. sat got concert.. after tt how? will i miss her? duno.. spend 1 day see 1 day lah.. sian.. k lah.. go sleep le.. cya guys tml!!

-Sign Off @ 9:41 PM :)

haha.. last paper!!

hahaha.. today last paper.. meet in the morning to study.. wow.. got study tio... something i predict wan come out.. lalalala.. the fire alarm system.. so shuang.. the mcq was okok lah.. so tink will pass.. haha.. happy.. after tis paper no more liao.. got 2 weeks de break.. not too long not too short.. like it =) next sem got CDS liao.. which is elective.. taking wad leh? erm.. maybe japanese.. after test meet yb xx and her go out.. actaully not really go out.. go TM and CS nia.. old place.. sian half.. haha.. nvm.. den xx take her phone for repair.. after tt go eat.. den after tt go raymond house take xx de laptop.. tt angie.. siao liao.. wan to be jescus.. bus like 50m infront of us she chiong over.. den we folo suit.. WOW.. heng nobody be jescus lo.. den xx got father de shun feng che.. den yb de NON AIRCON cum CROWDED de 82 come.. ran to catch tt worthless bus? lol.. acc her wait bus.. but bus came less than 1min when we reach bus stop.. lol.. aso gd.. den walk home.. chatting on the phone.. lol.. jus send the jescus video to her.. cant imagine how she is laughing out loud when she compare herself with the video.. lol

-Sign Off @ 5:48 AM :)

studying and rotting at home.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006

lalalala.. today wake up 11 plus.. wow.. goin to lunch liao.. haha.. den suddenly have the mood to study sia.. den write notes and reading the lecture notes until like 2 plus.. so guai wor.. true enough things did get tinto my head!! muahahaha.. hope wad i study come out tml.. afternoon went pooling with jj and his friends.. quite fun.. if not keep playing with same ppl wun improve aso.. lol.. after tt go home lo... cook my maggie.. den rot until now.. later den go read my notes again.. recap wad i have memorises.. hehe.. today nv see her.. jus msg.. kinda miss her? duno.. jus wanna see her.. but nv.. nvm lah.. recently the channel u tt show aso not bad... the 6pm de show.. korean wan.. quite nice.. so now got new show for mi to watch.. tt show quite touching.. tittle is bo li hua.. is glass painting.. can catch it on channel u!! lol.. advertisement..

-Sign Off @ 4:37 AM :)

math term test today
Monday, June 05, 2006

arrghh!! today math term test.. tmd tmd tmd.. actually quite confidence wan.. den first question is equal to zero den i take it as 1.. den the vector question lazy to do.. anyhow sub.. wah.. if tis 2 totally no marks den i die liao.. only got 72.. hope got method marks or wad so ever.. forget it lah.. over liao.. careless!! study bsom!! wednesday.. muz see carefully.. tired tired.. cannto tahan liao.. go eat medicince den go sleep le.. tml den study or wad.. lol.. see how lo.. nite nite

-Sign Off @ 7:04 AM :)

Saturday, June 03, 2006

haiz.. today morning went to the doc.. neither with sharon nor angie.. i was alone.. fever wasnt tt high.. but flu was serious.. after tt go home eat med le den go sleep awhile.. now den wake up.. tired.. but still sneezing.. much more better le.. jus now listening to music, reflecting wad happen this few days.. tot of a lot.. y this y tt.. i have a lot of questions for her.. athough tt time i promise will tell her wad i feel, but i dun dare to ask her.. actually is the same old questions.. she say will change.. but i dun tink so.. still the same.. i dun wanna ask her.. so many question marks.. i tink we should go our own ways ba.. i go rest le.. bye..

-Sign Off @ 7:26 PM :)

end of pre-picnic

today was fun.. but half way through the dumb nose become like wet riser lidat.. keep sneeze until now.. after finish the lemon tea, head was like so heavy and pain.. wtf.. den no mood to play the wet games liao.. den rest lo.. sit there like statue lidat.. veri sian.. den sleep awhile.. after tt head okok le.. but nose still filled with water.. after tt go pasir ris white sands.. i went home.. cant tahan the dumb nose.. now still sneezing.. hope the real thingy tt day wun lidat.. k lah.. i go sleep liao.. monday and wednesday test dun give mi tis type of problem can liao.. haiz.. hate it!

-Sign Off @ 3:05 AM :)

no u i will live!!
Friday, June 02, 2006

ytd was my agony man! nobody actually noes.. i was buring hot.. head was very heavy and pain.. but have to act like nth during the meeting.. ytd morning i was in sch, even my classmate can see i am sick.. during the meeting, i really feel like goin home le.. burning sensation.. woah.. hot lo.. somemore 4 person squeeze 1 chair.. even more hot.. after meeting eat prata.. add to my sickness? i duno.. ytd reach home abt 11+pm.. goin to sleep tt time the body temperature like suddenly chiong up.. veri HOT ar !!!! cant tolerate man!! nobody noes how i struggled through ytd's nite.. not even u.. tossing here and there.. in the end msged sharon.. she ask mi do tis and tt.. but i did none.. cos i really no energy to climb out of the bed.. she ask mi dun go for today de co thingy.. she still ask mi to ask u pei wo go see doc.. i tink forget it ba.. useless though.. keep a distance still is better de.. sharon.. maybe i adopt ur policy can? no copyright hor? today wake up still okok le.. but the dumb nose still sneezy.. tink is last nite i off the fan the sweat like hell.. 10am approaching.. go ba..

-Sign Off @ 6:06 PM :)

boring.. =.=
Thursday, June 01, 2006

sian ar.. today lesson end 3.. den go out tm slack.. wait for her.. go home lo.. meet yb.. go kfc eat dinner.. nth much.. tml nite got meeting.. den sat got the trail.. wondering is fun a not.. haa.. go watch tv le.. bye..

-Sign Off @ 6:23 AM :)