he, 17 and she, 17


The guy who is so lost without you.



By My Side


Precious days

> you wished for that.
> back again
> why lidat
> disappointed
> ' though we agreed to try it out once more, why sh...
> he's sick
> he finally manage to quit after 1 sem.. she's jus ...
> alcohol spilled the beans
> last words
> class had been changed back.. perhaps tis shows th...

Lost Memories

> March 2006
> April 2006
> May 2006
> June 2006
> July 2006
> August 2006
> September 2006
> October 2006
> November 2006
> December 2006
> January 2007
> February 2007
> March 2007
> April 2007
> May 2007
> July 2007
> August 2007
> September 2007
> October 2007
> November 2007
> December 2007

Your Say

don't need tagboard
Will come =/


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pain ar...
Wednesday, May 31, 2006

today after sch go home sleep ar.. very tired lo.. ytd nite on the phone until like 1 plus.. den 6 wake up.. 5 hours of sleep nia.. veri sleepy.. so went home.. she not with mi cos go do project.. her group haven even do chapt2.. den come ask mi wad to write.. lol.. so long ago since i finish chapt 2.. lol.. nvm.. den reach home sleep from 3 plus to 6 plus.. still veri tired.. my right hand aching lo.. ytd not so pain but today so pain esp when i wake up.. muscle tear.. shouldnt hit so hard.. so better not touch or hit my right hand!! lol.. k lah.. i go find my chapt 2 for her for reference liao.. nite nite..

-Sign Off @ 5:59 AM :)

dun wish to say nth..
Tuesday, May 30, 2006

today tired.. duno y.. so nv go sch.. at home slack.. den go out bugis.. after tt go ps.. dun wish to say much.. sian.. sleepy liao.. ywan......

-Sign Off @ 5:39 AM :)

she say sorry to mi cos she nv pei mi take 72 wor!!
Monday, May 29, 2006

maths lec was sian.. listening to mp3.. lol.. den today ended sch at 3.. den go tam with clar mei mei and cao ge.. go eat mac wan.. but hor.. no space lo.. so go to LJ( long john.. dun tink YY).. lol.. den clar went off when we reach tam.. den after eating jerry left.. left mi and mei mei.. den walk around chatting.. den around 4 plus liao.. den pei jerry go wait for bus like until 420 lidat.. go back take bus to tp.. was chatting with mich all the way.. mostly on relationship.. she suddenly ask mi i steading with her or wooing her izzit.. actually no lah.. but i aso duno how i feel abt her.. forget it.. dun make mi tink so much.. veri fan wan.. her name keep on flashing in my mind since last week.. weekend nth to do i will out of sudden tink of her.. wad she doing now.. all those dumb things.. arrgghh!! do everything also will link to her.. -.-lll cham ar.. rivian say i under curse... lamer.. nvm.. den mei mei say i love her.. whether is true a not, i duno.. hack care.. den sit at the mush there wait for her while mich wait for her friend.. den mich de friend come liao.. jus see nia leh.. den go off liao.. kinda lame.. wait for 2 hours jus see him.. dumb.. den she came out shortly.. den goin home tt time yb jio mi go play badminton... den surprisingly she say we directly alight at hg point after seeing tt msg.. WOW!! so rare sia.. but reach there liao she say wanna go home.. but yb and yi jia sam come liao.. too bad.. den play play chat chat.. tml like everybody ending early.. den say tml meet for dinner.. lol.. like new grp form lidat... den daniel came too after sam left.. mk jus wake up.. wah liao.. say wan come den we goin back tt time he jus wake up.. cham.. den phyco her take 72 with mi.. lol.. but instead of she taking with mi, she ask mi take with her den her stop there change bus.. actually aso can lah.. but i nv.. cos like keep with her like so weird.. not as if i her stead.. den like i glued to her lidat.. den forget it.. jus nice 325 came before 72 did.. so took 325.. on the way back i receive her sms.. she say hey.. sorry lah.. i was sleepy den but when i see the msg i waked sia.. den i reply her nvm.. upon reaching home i call her, she still in bus.. den say sorry, nv take 112 with her, say tml meet 11.. den settle liao.. now she msg mi say tml go sch.. cos 1 hour lec den go home liao.. no attendent aso.. lol.. see how lo.. if she dun wan go maybe can get free tickets from my aunt.. lol.. den can catch free movie.. wow.. see lo.. k lah.. wait for her reply.. nite nite bloggie..

-Sign Off @ 7:40 AM :)

50th post! today sian.......
Sunday, May 28, 2006

today veri bored lo.. haiz.. at home rotting.. den my parents go ah ma house.. i at first wan to to wan.. but hor.. lazy lah.. at home sleep lo.. den asking ppl go out.. rx wanna go bugis buy bag.. but cannot find ppl.. in the end rx work for his dad.. aso not free liao.. den my fate sealed liao.. at home rot.. play maple lo.. go in jump jump jump.. nth to do.. dumb.. den dinner have to settle outside got parents not in.. den go hg point meet jer and yb eat lo.. yi jia lah.. dun wan come down.. after tt go home do HW!! chapt 4.. duno wad to write.. write crap lo.. sec sch tml holiday liao lo.. den i have to go sch.. =.= sian half.. den my aunt and cousins tml watching x men!! arrgghh.. i cant go.. sad.. oh ya.. tml their o level mother tongue de paper.. muahaha.. time really flies wery fast.. i start sch not long dey o lvl liao.. lol.. k lah.. wish u all gd luck!! tired.. go sleep liao.. nite nite..

-Sign Off @ 7:00 AM :)

she sick today.. worried? o.O
Saturday, May 27, 2006

today slacking at home.. until 7pm.. went out to hg point meet yb jer and yi jia.. we eating mac.. den talk crap lo.. haha.. like abt 9 plus sam come meet us.. den crapping along.. we fold the notes and make funny faces out of the yusof.. lol.. weird hor.. haha.. den take photos.. play with hp.. haha... kinda fun.. not bad.. today she sick.. kinda worried? duno leh.. maybe yes maybe no.. lol.. nvm lah.. den she ask mi for the other 2 disc.. actually wan to meet her 630 wan.. but she tt time outside with family liao.. so nv meet.. den tell her if early go home den can go her house pass to her.. but tink cant liao.. cos i now jus reach home.. msg her she nv reply.. tink she take medicine and sleep liao.. lidat aso gd lah.. sleep more sick will recover.. lol.. my 'Y' thoery.. haha.. hope she's goin to be fine.. k lah.. here i post some dumb pic which we took jus now.. lol..

-Sign Off @ 8:03 AM :)

short study time.. long day instead....
Friday, May 26, 2006

sian.. today go sch study 1 hour nia.. den lab cancelled.. 11 come out liao.. our stall not well-prepared lo.. everything aso like so messy.. haiya.. den bo bian.. contribute 3 bucks to stall buy the ice cream.. 1 tub.. share with jerry.. wah.. somemore is like melting wan.. not nice-.- ccn really tiring.. morning for nth go sch at 8 say wan to take things.. but carry the things jus like 15mins or so.. den slack until 10 for bsom tut.. go library use msn.. surf net.. sian aso.. den start selling le.. at first wan to buy earing for angie de.. but see liao like those type she dun like wan.. so nvm buy.. den go sell lo.. sell until sian.. den yb come help mi buy 3 can of drinks.. lol.. gdgd.. den after tt 145 i go liao.. tell angie i go le den she say orh ok.. den i go off with yb.. go sch find ms koh.. in the end shun bian find ms ong ms fu and ms lo.. talking and chatting.. haha.. so fun.. veri interesting.. with mk sam derek jia wei daryl gladys huiling li zhen and yb.. haha.. nice.. den after ms koh yb go liao.. we go find ms ong, fu and lo.. den like 5plus den go off.. den go hg point eat.. tt 3 gals ps lo.. go home.. den after tt yi jia join us.. eat kfc and buy ice cream.. of cos i nv buy ice cream.. scare liao.. den mk and derek go meeting den we go home.. veri tired ar.. ytd nite 130 slp den today 630 wake up.. until now nv rest.. veri tired.. feel like sleeping lo.. i tink better dun care abt her.. dun meet her for sch or after sch.. everytime meeting her i aso like so look forward to it, but meet liao like nth to say to each other.. in bus seldom talk, listen to own mp3.. like equals to i go sch myself.. no differences.. haiz.. maybe i dun meet her she aso wun mind.. can always find yb de.. i duno y i mind all this.. i feel weird lo.. first week after quarreling like so nice.. back to like the times we jus get close.. den now like drifting liao.. tink today nv even say more than 10 sentences.. i got a feeling tt i miss u but not really miss u and i wan u to be with mi but not everytime with mi.. aiya.. i duno wad i talking abt.. wtf.. i HATE myself..

-Sign Off @ 5:34 AM :)

Thursday, May 25, 2006

today morning nv meet angie cos she late le.. is ok.. starting is like so weird.. till sch end, nv even say 10 sentence to each other.. so weird hor.. not like previous day.. esp after 17 of may tt week.. tt day wad u say to mi.. i drop my tear.. it was so long when i drop my tear for a gal.. den in sch today got test and autocad.. si bei sian.. den after sch actually wan to go buy tml de things de.. but den i lazy go lah.. went back hg play pool.. lol.. after tt go meet angie.. tinking maybe she tired so go acc her home.. but in bus, i feel like so weird aso.. i got nth to say to her.. finding topic.. but cant.. still got say a bit lo.. den she ask y i dun go home sleep instead of staying outside.. i say cos i wan acc u mah.. den after tt wait for bus with her.. the bus come when reach the interchange.. den i help her bring her dizi during next pract.. after reach home, my aunt sms mi.. ask wan to bring friend go movie x men 3.. next tue 1130 de show.. wah liao.. so tempting.. but i got sch lo.. sec sch next week holiday liao.. tmd.. den my sis took the ticket.. arrghhh... i bu shuang!! @#$%%%%$# my sis dumb lo.. say not interested no thanks... wah liao.. so gd de chance u reject.. dumb la.. i wan to go aso cannot den u dun wan go.. crap lo.. haiz haiz.. i wanna watch!!!!

-Sign Off @ 6:17 AM :)

bird shit is jus so close....
Wednesday, May 24, 2006

today after sch is the main thingy.. lol.. meet angie after sch.. den at bus stop saw mich.. den when mich come to talk with us, the FRESH BIRD SHIT drop in between angie and mich.. WOW.. so heng sia.. still got the 'plek' sound when it hit the floor.. haha.. den go back hougang mall eat mac.. meet yb aso.. eating until half angie say stomach there pain.. hope she's fine le.. she looks so weak esp when she take the big bag.. like the bag pulling her down.. den after that go walk walk in hg mall.. den go home liao.. haha.. now ludi come out.. can go play.. new things to explore.. not bad.. sian half.. tml 5pm end.. she got dizi sectional until 8.. endure ar angie!! lol.. lalala.. go off le.. cya tml bloggie.. =)

-Sign Off @ 3:02 AM :)

jus a normal tue.. bored..
Tuesday, May 23, 2006

go sch lo.. today bsom test.. lalala.. quite ok lah.. still can do.. tink can pass ba.. hope so lo.. haha.. slacking all the way.. den go tm shop for present.. think i noe wad to buy liao.. have to start saving le.. sian sian.. tml 8am. sian.. sleepy... nth to say liao.. -.-

-Sign Off @ 4:33 AM :)

long day..
Monday, May 22, 2006

today start sch at 9am.. cads lecture.. kinda dumb aso.. meet angie as usual.. den go sch lo.. during lec, the dumb cao ge talking crap lo.. say abt those bo liao things.. what banglah build de hdb veri gd.. dun despite products of banglahdash.. -.- crap lo.. den math lec even worse.. functions.. define wad is function? dumb lah.. like as if is eng lesson.. den math tut aso nv do anything.. den got super early lunch.. haha.. 1115 go lunch.. eat until 1205.. went library.. use com.. do wad? see maple forum with jerry.. -.- sian half.. den writing oral lesson.. outbreak of tears.. from wendy.. tot she everytime so happy and cheerful wan.. den cry.. i duno y.. but jus hope she will take care and see everything on the bright side.. =) after sch 3pm.. at first wan to do auto cad.. den go until de lab.. angie de class and N603 having lesson.. cannot go.. den at sch slack lo.. den go with mich and the duno who go the cafe study bsom.. den mich say dun like tt person.. so go library find yonghan and yi ting.. study and talk aso.. until like 5.. den go meet angie.. went eat with her and mich.. den go back co.. the fun part comes.. haha.. at first dun wan to go de.. but i ask her to go with her.. haha.. den something nice happen.. lol.. angie hor.. aiya.. cant lah.. promise her cannot say de.. dun say.. haha.. overall the song still veri nice lo.. as compare to srsco, although today tpco ppl less but the sound is more than srsco.. haha.. nice nice.. sectional have to go liao.. after co den take bus home.. during the journey study bsom.. lol.. difficult ar.. i hate it.. den shun bian pei angie walk home den i go take bus.. anyway concession so nvm lah.. lol.. den now jus reach home nia.. hope tml de test can do well.. k lah.. stop here.. gd nite bloggy.. lastly 2 final wishes.. to angie, ' is not something bad.. u can do it de.. gambate!! lol' secondly to wendy' dun cry liao.. stay happy always..' take care everybody! nite nite.. *yawn*

-Sign Off @ 7:29 AM :)

rotting at home...
Sunday, May 21, 2006

today nth much to blog abt.. jus at home doing nth.. so post some pics lo.. lol.. some is ytd (20/5) de pooling images.. yikloong's pose.. haha.. den some from rx bday(30/4).. hope is uploaded nicely.. nite nite=)

-Sign Off @ 6:49 AM :)

Saturday, May 20, 2006

today veri tired sia.. wake up liao play com awhile den sian liao.. offline.. den rx msg mi ask mi go ps play arcade.. no interest... sian lo.. den heard loong, jason and yb outside.. after tt dey wan to go other place after making passport.. den go join dem.. jj meifeng and yi jia aso going.. den went to play pool.. haha.. play until no money liao.. sian half.. den i went home eat while dey go hg mall eat.. after eating i go find dem.. actually wanted to go town after eating.. it was like 730.. still quite early.. den we indecisve.. drag until like 9.. den too late liao lo.. so went to punggol park play.. lol.. kinda childish but is fun though.. haha.. we at first sit around in circle talking crap, listening to songs.. haha.. so long nv have such 'campfire'.. haha.. den go play in the playground lo.. meifeng and yi jia playing the swing.. play until like 1130.. jason fall down.. hit the teeth.. bleed a bit.. den stop le.. so go home liao lo.. haha.. sweat so much.. i took bus home.. 1 stop nia.. lol.. bus concession mah.. y not? lol.. today from like 2 plus wait for their call until 5 plus den meet.. -.- during tt time i was sleeping and lying on bed slacking.. staring at the ceiling before i fall asleep.. veri weird.. i tot of her again.. tinking of wad she was doing? den i fell asleep liao.. while deciding of whether goin town a not tt time, i tot dey will go home.. suddenly tot of her again.. tinking tt if she go out she reach home liao mah.. den she msg mi.. haha.. ask mi abt things.. she watching shaggy dog.. haha.. den let her enjoy.. lol.. now den i reach home.. tiring.. but nevertheless, muz blog.. today is fun.. lol.. tml is approaching.. lalala.. duno will nice not.. but mostly will stay at home rot de.. do my chapt 1 and maybe revise bsom.. haiz.. i hate to study.. y cant like go poly 3 years, no test, jus listen to lec, den get cert liao.. lol.. if lidat den gd.. haha.. as if.. all my wishing thinking.. haha.. ok lah.. stop here le.. nite nite=)

-Sign Off @ 8:55 AM :)

i miss her.. y?
Friday, May 19, 2006

today after sch 12pm.. ended 1 hour earlier.. ytd angie say she wan go watch movie.. so after sch contact her directly.. but in the end aso nv go.. is ok lah.. nvm.. den go play pool with rx.. duno y i not in the mood of playing.. win aso not happy.. like something is missing.. before tt saw jason and mk and yb.. mk de spec.. lol.. kinda cute when he wear.. same with loong and jason.. after playing pool went back home lo.. den jason and yb go lan shop.. so go find dem.. still feeling veri empty.. i was taking 80 to kovan.. den pass by her house.. suddenly like miss her so much.. have the urge to call her.. but i nv.. den a series of questions pop up.. wad she doing at home? sian a not? etc.. i took out my phone quite a few times.. actually wan to msg her.. but nth to say leh.. so nv msg her.. after i reach home, i send her those 'fun' msg.. she reply mi.. she say nth much at home now in hg mall.. tink having dinner.. so dun disturb her.. rx msg mi.. say wan to go yuki yaki eat.. -.- bo money ar.. i aso duno y today suddenly hen xiang ta.. so weird.. listen song, play pool aso no use.. still tinking of her.. -.-lll lalalalalala.. sian sian.. hope tml wun sian.. so long nv huge group go out liao le.. last time got like 20+ ppl all goin out.. so fun.. now 4-6 ppl.. not big not small.. weird de.. lidat de situation comfirm will got like 2 stick together, secretive go duno where, ask the rest go first.. lidat u 2 might as well go out urselves.. dun nd call others wan.. dumb dumb.. sometimes feel sch is more fun de weekend.. at least time easiler to pass.. lol.. monday got co.. muz go liao.. i nv go for today de sectional.. dun care.. lol.. next week got tests ar.. T.T muz study liao.. esp BSOM.. i hate it!! like bio sia.. k lah.. gtg le.. bye bloggie=)

-Sign Off @ 4:57 AM :)

today is nice... but will it last long?
Thursday, May 18, 2006

ytd nite made up with angie.. den i call raymond.. we talking crap.. den duno y say until angie there.. he listen to wad happen.. den he say i commit so much to her cos i got feelings towards her.. is it true? i feel veri pain ytd.. like as if i gave away something which i dun wish to give.. hentong.. like wad happen on 7 of july.. mi love her? i duno and i dun wan to tink abt it.. pointless to tink.. today she was nice to mi.. she din late.. i was hoping everyday can be like today.. but.. do nice things always last long? will she change back to b4 after sometime? i duno lah.. see lo.. so coicidence lo.. jus nice i ytd nite dreamt abt her.. i dreamt tt we were together, carrying her out of the car cos her leg pain.. she lie on mi with a smile and fall asleep while walking.. den i wake up liao.. jus a dream nia.. -.- den today sch was ok except for the CADS.. drawing so difficult lo.. so complicated.. at first tot will early release de.. but end up late release instead.. veri tired.. sleep in bsom lec and maths tut.. hao lei ar.. when goin home something dumb happen.. got ppl giving out maple de cd at the brigde there.. i was like so stun.. lol.. last time sell for 2 bucks.. now FOC.. still got ppl say go home install play together.. bo liao.. den go eat.. den go pop.. nth much aso.. den go home le.. tired ar.. tml have to go sch again.. go rest le ba.. take care bloggie..

-Sign Off @ 6:06 AM :)

sad.. upset..
Wednesday, May 17, 2006

today i give angie the letter le.. she din read finish.. i really hope she finish reading it. today is our last day of close le.. i sometimes feels tt the past is gd and wan to go back. but i tink cant ba. the way she treat mi vs the happy times we have gone through. i feel no point ba.. athough i bu she de.. but i have to do it.. like today, i ignore her. wadever she say, i give no respond. i duno whether i have done the right thing.. maybe she tinks tt with or without mi dun make any differences.. she can always continuse with her life. i am jus nth.. dun soft hearted!!! do it ql!! haiz.. hen tong ar.. endure ba.. she reply mi le.. she say she read le den her reply.. i will definiately keep it.. i duno wad to reply.. wo hen xiang start afresh.. but when i tink back, will she do it again? nobody can guarantee anything.. after sharon, no one has made mi so pain before and drop my tears... but i wun drop tears for u.. so long since i have been so pain.. anything can cure mi? i cant take it.

-Sign Off @ 5:13 AM :)

seen ur true colurs. lets end here..
Tuesday, May 16, 2006

today went sch as usual.. ytd yb say angie dun like mi.. den she today still msg mi ask later after sch goin anywhere a not.. she is really... hopeless lah.. den went to ssc play pool when mich, clar, jj, yb, sam and rx.. mich and clar dunno how to play wan.. -.- anyhow play.. den yb say angie msg her ask him he goin anywhere after sch.. den yb with us mah.. den of cos tell her he playing pool lo.. den she called rx.. asking the same thing.. too bad rx aso playing pool.. orbi gd lo.. today u cant find anyone.. if u got the patient, try waiting for xx or raymond lah.. u tis kind of ppl.. only ppl wait for u, cannot u wait for ppl wan.. yb.. i really wan to wish u gd luck liao.. she meet him tml after sch go back srsco.. see how long she made u wait lo.. u jia you lo.. tink after yb help mi tell angie the truth, i will end the friendship ba.. no point continuing if u jus take mi as ur spare. i not with u, can jus find replacement de mah.. i mean nth to u de mah.. k ba.. lets pretend i duno u and u duno mi.. jus forget everything i have done for u.. i will also erase ur name and everything abt u from my memory.. i duno who is angie, u aso duno who is quanlin.. we are jus complete strangers.. time to change song le.. tis is zui shou xi de mo sheng ren, describing u and mi.. although deep in my heart, i know u well, but on the surface, we are jus stranger. after u know the truth, dun come find mi or contact mi. i really had enough le.. hereby i bid u farewell and take care always.

-Sign Off @ 5:14 AM :)

i failed.. i pass!! arrgh...
Monday, May 15, 2006

wad the fuck man.. she nv avoid mi sia.. fuck up.. reject mi but nv avoid mi.. still say dun wan to get relationship in tis time.. -.- si bei dumb de excuse.. wah kao leh.. faster avoid mi leh.. she si bei sucks de lah.. wad i guess came true liao lo.. she really go find yb when i nv wait for her.. haiz.. dun understand y so ppl wan to be her tyre.. si bei cham.. hai hai hai.. tml goin play pool.. dunoe dey plan until how liao.. muahahaha.. tml until 1pm nia can go out play.. u dumb treat ppl as ur tyre wan go study until 5pm.. deserve it!! got to add on.. angie went to find yb.. she say told yb she dun like mi.. wahhahahahs.. i tink i success liao le wor.. haha.. gdgdgdgdgdg.. si bei happy.. muahahahah..

-Sign Off @ 2:18 AM :)

guess it din work man.. haiz.. y y y??
Sunday, May 14, 2006

today veri sian lo.. den go out meet rivian go heartland.. walk walk lo.. den after tt go back hg.. meet jj and yb.. den talk crap lo.. aiya.. tis wan no main point lah.. the main point is hor.. angie msg mi ask mi meet her tml morning at 8.. den i reply her sure a not.. i like u leh.. i wanna jio u leh.. den she reply lol.. dun ar.. ur class got better wan.. den i reply no lah.. u still better den them.. so wanna jio u.. den she nv reply liao.. i tink my plan din work at all lo.. she still ask mi wan to meet for sch a not.. later tml sure will ask wan to wait for her after sch a not de.. i duno lah.. si bei sian.. til now i aso duno meeting her a not.. i not open airport one lo.. keep flying mi planes if not den delay departure.. everytime i wait for her.. since when she wait for mi sia.. wadever lah.. hack care abt her.. if she accept mi i aso duno wad to do.. aiya.. si bei cham..

-Sign Off @ 7:01 AM :)

work a not? o.O
Friday, May 12, 2006

i done it!!! i have not..... tmd de lo.. ytd nite i go send tt msg den she reply hey u comfirm tis msg send mi de ar.. i was like stun.. -.- reply tis.. dumb.. den i replay yayaa.. comfirm.. den she reply mi lol i guess u haven forget sharon no subs.. i was like.. wah kao.. she actually reply mi.. i wan u to siam mi u get it?!?!!? den i reply saying i serious abt her and all those wadever mushy things.. den she nv reply.. i tot i success liao sia.. damn happy.. i am such a genius!!1 muahhaha.. den i today morning msg her ask her wan to go play pool.. she nv reply at first.. den i more sure she siam-ing mi liao.. who knows she still reply mi lol i duno how to play.. not interested aso.. i was like.. -.- diaos lo.. fail again.. Argrgrhrhrh.. sian.. PLS siam mi!!!

-Sign Off @ 7:22 AM :)

realise my mistake of too doting u..
Thursday, May 11, 2006

tis few days i tink i really realise my mistake le..
wednesday morning.. meet her at the 72 bus stop 7am.. but she say she late le.. den still waiting for crystal at sk.. ask mi go off first.. den i waited for nth.. den i late for sch.. after sch den meet her.. she say she go meet xx dey all.. k lo.. den go lo.. i go home.. i tink we din even talk more den 10 sentences..
today morning.. meet her same venue 8am.. den she say she late liao.. aso waiting for crystal.. den she take cab go.. still ask mi wan to go a not.. den i waited for nth again.. heng nv late.. i reach class room at 910.. heng lo.. den si bei suay.. paper also see mi bu shuang.. cut my finger.. tmd.. den after sch.. she say she pei friend go swimming pool awhile.. i waited from 5 to 6 at the mushroom there.. is it worth it a not? i actually wan to go off de.. but scare she cant mi.. she came out den say sorry.. say there got swimming competition.. i mean like if u wan to see den u tell mi before hand lo.. if i waiting den i wait, if not i go off lo.. during tt hour, i tot quite a lot.. sharon is my love one but the time i spend with angie is a lot more as compare to sharon.. i am tinking, angie really worth my waiting? everytime is i wait for her.. did she ever wait for mi? angie really worth mi doting? angie really worth mi loving? i tink is no ba.. i make up my mind le.. i tink let be zui shou xi de mo shen ren ba.. instead of mi avoiding her, i make her avoid mi.. angie.. sorry.. i tink i leave u ba.. take care after i go off..

-Sign Off @ 4:08 AM :)

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

today actually meeting angie to go sch.. den she late.. i board bus and go first.. haiz.. still late for lab.. den at home tt time she day she goin to meet xx dey all go shopping.. i dun wan go.. even if i go aso doesnt make any differnences.. like as if i go she will esp happy lidat.. den take 72 home lo.. i got nth to say.. den listen to mp3.. she aso wan to listen den lend her 1 side.. when reaching hougang she jus rmb she got bring ear piece..-.- duno is purposely or really forget.. haiz.. hack care lah.. den reach home damn sian.. in the end go SSC pool with rx.. den go arcade.. when goin home tt time, saw yb with daniel peggy dey all.. he wearing yellow jacket.. si bei bai kuan.. -.- den angie say tml meeting time and place later den say.. until now haven msg mi.. aiya.. forget it lah.. i go alone lo.. anyway aso like xi guan liao.. who m i to her? maybe jus another person who acc her home and to sch which can replace anytime wan.. haiz haiz haiz.. Sharon.. i really wish to hui dao guo qu and time stop there.. it was so chun zhen and simple.. jus i love u, u love mi.. tt all.. no jealousy no nth.. haiz.. maybe in tis world u are the only 1 who can give mi the most simple love ever.. hen xiang ni.. hen ai ni..

-Sign Off @ 7:07 AM :)

sian ar..
Tuesday, May 09, 2006

today actually nth much lo.. same old things.. lazy to say lah.. ytd nite dunno y start talking abt relationship with sharon.. haiz.. dun feel like saying anything now.. bb..

-Sign Off @ 5:38 AM :)

Double cards= Double happy!! lol
Monday, May 08, 2006

haha.. today damn shuang lo.. got matric card and ez link card.. got matric card den can go sch de pool there play or take the wadever shuttle bus.. ez link is still the best lah.. can get bus concession.. haha.. athough the price is double sec de, is still worth it anyway.. so tml goin to get=) oh yar.. today got co lo.. after sch sian.. 3pm wait until 6pm.. den went century square eat long john.. den went walking around.. went to nokia.. wah.. dey display the 73?? series de phone.. so chio.. aso got the N series.. so nice.. too bad dun have SE de shop.. if got display all the walkman phone together, tink would be veri nice too.. lol.. den rx say coming.. come until duno where.. anyway nvm lah.. time nearing to 6 liao.. so went back to sch.. met angie and went to design canteen.. help angie with her maths.. den jus nice 6pm.. wah.. so many ppl join co.. somemore is a lot dun have music background de.. kinda shock.. in sr still have to physco ppl.. haha.. nvm nvm.. hack care.. den first time meet den side read and play liao.. angie nv bring dizi so she sit one side listen.. lol.. okok lah.. the song not veri difficult but veri nice.. but cello de sectional pract on friday.. sibei sian lo.. somemore C and VC in cello.. cant run.. T.T tired ar.. i go sleep liao ba.. hope tml will be better.. =)

-Sign Off @ 6:39 AM :)

voting day... sian lo.. slacking.........
Saturday, May 06, 2006

haiz.. today nv go out, nv do anything.. damn sian lo.. at home slacking.. erm.. nth to blog abt leh.. forget it.. dun blog liao.. lol.. missya lots..

-Sign Off @ 5:21 AM :)

ARRRR!!! ren wu ke ren ar!!!!!!!
Friday, May 05, 2006

AR!! i goin to split it all out man! really cant stand the toopid yb.. keep pestering wan.. si bei cham.. like gay lidat.. den now say wad wan change change.. change shit lah.. when u broke something, the crack will always be there de lah.. no point changing de lah.. tampines ite den ite lah.. keep coming to tp to find us.. us refering for mi and angie.. keep contacting angie.. not i jealous.. but i with angie den he join.. veri weird lah.. den tt dumb angie keep asking him to join us for everything.. nb lah.. i nth to say to him ar.. den wan to say things aso bu fang bian.. den today should go for the alumi meeting wan.. den angie go ask him wan to meet before tt.. i sian half lo.. she can ask anyone but y muz be yb!! wery wery weird lah.. even if i not tt hate yb but everytime see him aso will make mi fan de lo.. feel veri strange suddenly got 1 more.. really scare tt angie everyday after sch go ask him join us.. kns lo.. den i dun wan to go alumi meeting liao.. YB STILL have the cheeck to ask mi pass the hp back to rx.. u tink i really not mad at him ar.. i not his MESSENGER LAH.. kana sandwich in between veri shuan ar?!?!? nb.. dun let mi see u everytime.. and hor ANGIE.. dun everyday go ask him come if not i rather go myself den to meet u !!!! ARRRGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FUCK!!!!!!!!

-Sign Off @ 6:46 AM :)

erm.. ar.. extra lah..
Thursday, May 04, 2006

today actually nth happen much aso.. duno wad to write.. as usual go tp lo.. den the dumb 72 keep full wan.. @#@#$%^&^%$# reach class room was late by 1 min.. lol.. but teacher nv mark as absent.. haha.. heng ar.. den meifeng say she performing later outside library.. but hor.. my break until 1 nia.. dey performing at 115.. cant go support lo.. nvm lah.. den damn sian aso.. after sch aso nth much ar.. tired.. tml still have bsom de tut and lab.. haiz.. hate bsom!!

-Sign Off @ 6:33 AM :)

if is true, tpco rocks!!
Wednesday, May 03, 2006

haha.. today kinda happy ar.. today released early so go walk around the sch there see the cca with guo mei mei and cao ge.. wah.. i so honoured wor.. walk with superstar.. haha.. den wait for angie lo.. den went to co there together.. den angie sign up for it.. tt person say dey got competition tis dec 06 and got performance in SCH hor.. not school hor.. is Singapore Conference Hall -.-lll wah.. i tot tp co slacker de.. den suddenly got so many things.. really looking forward to tpco in SCH performaning sia.. haha.. so long nv go on stage liao.. later got phobia ar.. lol.. den went tm to eat lo.. same old thing, long john again.. angie should thank mi man.. get to noe 2 superstar.. lol.. den after tt went back hougang to meet daniel and xin xian.. angie going harbour front.. daniel buying bag for her.. gd lo.. new bag.. haha.. anyway i not jealous =p den i nv go lo.. she say she at nite den come find mi see the typed version of her so called project.. i read le aso duno wad is talking abt.. lol.. nvm.. not my problem aso.. help her type finish i am done.. haha.. tml maths test.. hmm.. try to get full marks ba.. gambate!!

-Sign Off @ 2:35 AM :)

i saw sharon
Tuesday, May 02, 2006

today actually wan to go for tracks at 6pm.. but rain.. so tracks wet.. i dun feel like goin le.. den wait until 3pm.. jus nice sharon sch end le.. den went to tampines interchange hope can take the same bus as her.. i board the same bus as her.. but she was with her friend.. i have no chance to talk to her.. she was sick.. but in the journey we sms each other.. she went to hg mall there de clinic with her mum.. i wan to acc her but she dun wan.. haiz.. but her attitude towards mi turn better le.. can icy and snow get together? icy love snow but do snow love icy as well? i duno.. i really miss her a lot.. i sometimes really feel like saying everything out to her.. but i noe it wun do any better to us.. hope my dream can really opp of real life so icy would end up with snow.. take care always, snow..

-Sign Off @ 4:19 AM :)