he, 17 and she, 17


The guy who is so lost without you.



By My Side


Precious days

> met her today
> maybe meet her.. but din..
> miss you but jus cant express..
> 3 sms communication..
> ^^
> boring day
> 1st day of sch..
> xin tong
> jus complicated.. tired..
> so long nv blog le.. rusty.. cos working lah. haha...

Lost Memories

> March 2006
> April 2006
> May 2006
> June 2006
> July 2006
> August 2006
> September 2006
> October 2006
> November 2006
> December 2006
> January 2007
> February 2007
> March 2007
> April 2007
> May 2007
> July 2007
> August 2007
> September 2007
> October 2007
> November 2007
> December 2007

Your Say

don't need tagboard
Will come =/


Thanks To

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Fonts: Dafont*
Brushes: x
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Host: Blogger* Photobucket*
Thanks: Blogskins*

happy bday to kyf!!
Sunday, October 29, 2006

today yufang bday.. haha.. initially was goin town de.. but den nv go.. too sian.. only met and celebrated at nite.. din have enough money to buy cake aso.. seems veri weird and easy hor? haha.. simple fare.. used sand and wadever we can find to make 1 "cake" haha.. yb mi jj rx peggy edwin and her.. celebrated her bday together.. den followed by water fight cum hide and seek.. lol.. den got once jj and her hid out of bound.. den everybody got to spray dem.. rx att her from front while mi at back.. she back facing us.. rx splash den mi.. i abit lose control.. a lot poured on her.. kinda guility..

i noe she wun mind cos is a game nia.. but nevertheless.. send her a msg
"hey.. see u quite wet jus now.. have a hot drink and dry urself well when reach home.. dun catch a cold.. take care.. gd nite.."
she reply mi "=) yes sir."

haha.. gd reply? maybe..

sian.. nth to do.. eat sleep use com.. nth esle.. tml got sch le.. was hoping she will ask mi to meet.. but she asked.. nvm.. sometimes meet too much wun do any gd.. den went kovan find yb and jj.. at last found the mag-a-cone supreme strawberry.. so nice lah.. the dumb yb go buy the chco de.. -.- eating.. talking crap.. went to check my bank balance.. wahahaha.. gotten my pay liao.. hehe.. walk around in heartland.. but den ended up rainiing.. =.= den walk around in cold storage before goin to kpt to have dinner since everybody's eating out.. haha.. after awhile go home le.. den chat with yufang on phone.. zzz.. use com a while den go sleep le.. zzz nite nite..

-Sign Off @ 8:10 AM :)