he, 17 and she, 17


The guy who is so lost without you.



By My Side


Precious days

> 100th post le.. almost every single post is abt he...
> maybe i should not exist in her life at all..
> recalling back......
> can you jus forget the world for mi jus once?
> off day.. but sian...
> 2 days
> like last time...
> to her..
> pain
> argument between heart and organs

Lost Memories

> March 2006
> April 2006
> May 2006
> June 2006
> July 2006
> August 2006
> September 2006
> October 2006
> November 2006
> December 2006
> January 2007
> February 2007
> March 2007
> April 2007
> May 2007
> July 2007
> August 2007
> September 2007
> October 2007
> November 2007
> December 2007

Your Say

don't need tagboard
Will come =/


Thanks To

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Fonts: Dafont*
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Host: Blogger* Photobucket*
Thanks: Blogskins*

i am jus inferior
Thursday, September 14, 2006

raymond fall sick today.. fever.. i got nth to say.. speechless... he told mi, are u thinking tt wad if the one who is sick is me? i say no.. i jus in a daze.. but guess he is partially right..

i am tink tt the concern and care she gave to raymond when he sick would nv apply to me when i fall sick.. joyce bought some kind of herbal tea for him.. quite sweet isn't it? but wad's joyce doing wun happen on mi when the one who bought the tea for mi is her.. wun happen de.. maybe i die le she aso wun drop 1 drop of tear for mi.. AHHHH!!! i really cant take all this anymore.. xin li hen tong.. hao lei.. really wish i could jus vanish from this world.. =(

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