he, 17 and she, 17


The guy who is so lost without you.



By My Side


Precious days

> boring sat
> week too is gone 2.. =/
> monday blues..
> weekend sucks
> 4d/toto
> 21/4 satytd was at home doing all the cleaning and...
> tarot.. which card am i?
> wad he tinks..
> voice's back!
> get well soon.

Lost Memories

> March 2006
> April 2006
> May 2006
> June 2006
> July 2006
> August 2006
> September 2006
> October 2006
> November 2006
> December 2006
> January 2007
> February 2007
> March 2007
> April 2007
> May 2007
> July 2007
> August 2007
> September 2007
> October 2007
> November 2007
> December 2007

Your Say

don't need tagboard
Will come =/


Thanks To

Designer: blueskyx* LG*
Edit: Adobe Photoshop CS2*
Fonts: Dafont*
Brushes: x
Image: o
Host: Blogger* Photobucket*
Thanks: Blogskins*

friend over me.. what u tink?
Monday, May 07, 2007

boring day.. met wendy to sch.. while waiting for her, went mac eat the $2 meal.. haha.. lift too crowded so take the stairs again.. T.T first to eight floor lo.. wendy koh, u have done it again! haha.. tiring though.. was raymond's class.. still not tt bad.. at least he jokes and crap with us.. okok lah.. den fslm=sian.. sleep all the way.. lectures were boring aso.. sleeping and listening to mp3..

during fslm msged her see wan hm tgt, she say not sure but it ended up no.. expected.. chose to eat with classmate over me.. wad u tink i will tink den? dun wanna say.. after sch went over to airport.. sorry.. lied to u all i go send off relative.. i went to 'talk' to planes.. not really talk lah.. but is writing while i see dem take off.. dey flew away with wad i 'told' dem.. dey are the only ones who are willing to listen to me complain tis and listen to how i feel without saying i tink too much..

after tt went home.. =/

-Sign Off @ 3:34 AM :)