he, 17 and she, 17


The guy who is so lost without you.



By My Side


Precious days

> roses are ex
> headache.. it splitting apart..
> oh well..
> pass english!
> H&T assignment
> jap role play..
> =)
> her and her
> nypco concert
> termtest

Lost Memories

> March 2006
> April 2006
> May 2006
> June 2006
> July 2006
> August 2006
> September 2006
> October 2006
> November 2006
> December 2006
> January 2007
> February 2007
> March 2007
> April 2007
> May 2007
> July 2007
> August 2007
> September 2007
> October 2007
> November 2007
> December 2007

Your Say

don't need tagboard
Will come =/


Thanks To

Designer: blueskyx* LG*
Edit: Adobe Photoshop CS2*
Fonts: Dafont*
Brushes: x
Image: o
Host: Blogger* Photobucket*
Thanks: Blogskins*

congrats sufwan's group!
Monday, February 12, 2007

today tired ar.. cant wake up tis morning.. so skipped intht de lec.. =p den went for tutorial.. pathetically my test only got 11 out of 30.. but again, i din study for it.. so, not tt sad.. haha.. expected.. finally annoucing of the 3rd IR winner.. it goes to sufwan's grp! haha.. lol.. congrats.. but dey did the worse peer evaluation miss universe.. kinda sad lo.. her marks will get 50% discount.. somemore her attendant was bad.. so either she pass or fail nia.. sad case.. haha.. deserve it! bad ar me? haha..

after intht skipped maths esfac cancelled.. so went over to have long lunch.. some of them prepare gift for the class.. gd hor? haha.. no exception, i aso got 1 card from mich and some sweets from erica.. sweets inside my stomach liao.. but here is the card.. nice eh? some photos taken today too..

see everybody got card except wendy ar.. the one with extra thingy from a guy.. obviously will not be me.. is somebody from esc but i duno the name.. haha.. opps =x she got tao hua yun liao.. haha..
at night went to teach huiyu maths with yb and jj.. an hour plus nia.. oh ya.. tml's having the lab test.. muz do fast and accurate.. hope can do it! haha.. tt's all for the day.. nites!
~who will he spend his valentine with in 07? =/

-Sign Off @ 6:53 AM :)