he, 17 and she, 17


The guy who is so lost without you.



By My Side


Precious days

> testing 123

Lost Memories

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Your Say

don't need tagboard
Will come =/


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make a choice.. haiz..
Friday, March 24, 2006

240306--- today morning... went giving flyers alone.. angie nv turned up.. forget it ba.. gave some to clara help to give.. after tt went home.. went back to sleep when reach home. after tt angie msged mi say today morning forget set alarm so nv go.. anyway she nv go was expected.. i aso din blame her cos even she come aso no $$.. after tt went to meet raymond and kaijing.. went bugis.. mean while angie and guo rong at np see laptop.. after bugis went kai jing house wrap present.. her mum was quite humourous.. awhile later we go kai jing house down stairs talk.. talk abt relationship.. say out go like who b4.. den raymond asked mi like angie a not.. i nv no i aso nv say yes.. half half ba.. i aso duno myself.. den when to kovan meet dem.. she still okok.. daniel,joyce, clara and ziyun aso came.. den went to eat yoshi.. ordering tt time raymond say ziyun.. zi yun cried.. haiz.. quite pity her.. kinda sian aso.. den time was quite early.. den went daniel house.. in bus sitting with her.. still okok ba.. not veri special aso.. see superstar thingy.. she was veri interested.. from tt moment i feel far from her.. so went home like 10 plus.. walked kai jing home.. she was talking with kai jing den raymond after kai jing left.. den suggested to have a jog to the bus stop den walk.. i passed by sharon's house 2 times.. i tot of her den went quiet after jogging.. while walking, only raymond and angie do the talking.. i was like transparent.. my mind was else where.. reaching raymond house there went to the chinese physician there ask for pricing.. raymond and angie want to consult abt their spine.. i was there tinking of nth.. i was tinkig maybe acc angie to wait for bus but raymond volunteered and the bus came shortly.. when angie board bus and raymond goin home.. i ran from raymond house there back home.. who i really loved? angie or sharon? i keep asking myself to make a choice and dun keep drifting.. i really wan like wad kai jing say.. settle down in a relationship when i am in poly.. i tink is not a bad idea after all.. however i cant make a choice.. i feel tt i am jus like a homeless soul drifting around.. sharon is my first love but i cant forget her.. angie is someone whom i am very happy with when i was with her.. i really dunno.. who i really loved? who? Who? WHo? WHO? WHO?!?

-Sign Off @ 7:53 AM :)